Reminder: This woman made Joe look like an absolute racist retard on national television.

131  2019-06-06 by HuxleyOverOrwell



Anth' says this a lot too.


Joe this is a good looking older woman not the crypt keeping you claim is “hot”

Ya but how far can she squirt?

Judge Milan looks like she can actually squirt, and isn’t just an incontinent old bag like Carol

Good point. She probably just produces a cloud of nasty queef dust.

This woman seen right through Joe.

But she knows a contract is a contract, and racists can enter them.

Just like an anus. It may contract and contract but racists can also enter them too.

Unlike Joe Sr and his idiot sons, Judge Milian understands that we have laws that should be obeyed.

“Thank you” -Joe

Reminder: Joe made himself look like an absolute racist, regard and pedophile practically all on his own.

I knew someone would say this !

Did ya'?

He really showed her when he posted her perfect MILF bubs for the whole world to see. Only cost him what little shred of dignity he had left. Just kidding he never had any.

You're not kidding about those bubs though.

The fact that she's a hundred times better looking, better maintained and classier than the shitbag Joe's stuck with, and that he acted like she wasn't just shows what a clueless and in denial faggot he really is.

She’s no Milla Jovovich tho.

I'm 6'2. Jovovich would soak her panties in my presence.

I don’t think so man. She said she liked 6’1 not 6’2.

So so're saying they have giants like me in Hollywood?

But can she squirt? Didn’t think so, LIBTARD!

Joe was jealous her tits were so much firmer and perkier than his.

I want to squeeze them

I wanna ....I wanna suck ‘em

I’d destroy her old pussy

Yeah I'd fawkin stick the gavel up there or somethin'

No baby noises here, Jerky.

The cameras did that.

I think she just kind of pointed it out.

Perkier tits, also.

She did what we all wish that we could do: humiliate Joe Cumia on a major scale. She is over 60 and still fuckable, while Joe is with a squirting mummy.

^ joey alt. This msg will be deleted in a few hours when he writes something even more stupid. God joey faggot get the kid to school.

You may be retarded. A Cumia wouldn’t be praising someone that bashes them. Use your brain, faggot.

Must be nice to have $.

Yup, it’s great to have money that I earn, unlike that talentless piece of shit Joe Cumia. That pedophile adores the taste of child spit and semen.

I think that was all Joe. Her reactions were great though.

Joe doesn't need any help looking completely tarded.

I wonder what her ass looks like?

war hero joe: 1

peoples court: 0

joe cant stop winning, folks. also, opie is an active pedophile

How autistic are you?

She doesn't wet the bed, either.

You can't trust Joe but you can always trust Joe to be Joe.

Nice job judge, nice tits too.

"duhhh durrr i didnt want to bring this up ur honerr"

"well bring it up"

"uhhhh, its called reddit and-"

"you know what, don't even"

The first thing I ever saw of any of this was the Apollo 13 mash-up and that's the exchange that got me hooked on all this insanity.

A true hero

Judicial beefers.

Joe did it himself, she gracefully stepped aside to give him room.