REMINDER: Joe Cumia tried to convince a blue-haired protester that the number of children he has lends him more credibility... and couldn’t even get that number straight.

52  2019-06-04 by TurningFrogsGay

By that logic, the average guest on Maury has more credibility than Joe.


So so so so, do you want to get a coffee?!

You mean he tried to fuck a diesel dyke..

Ohhh, so you have a problem with actual numbers!

I think he got confused with the number of kids locked up in the ghouls basement at that moment in time.

So SAYING you're a father of 4 makes you a father of 4? That's the opinion of one person and one person only. He says he's a father of 4 ; I say , "he's not."

How ABOUT that

That man or woman is our hero. He or she humiliated Joe better than any of us could.

“They,” child

Ze, infant

He has one child. The other three are Miracle Max's (Carol's) and shortly after Joe embarrassed himself, Anthony and everyone else connected to them that night, Carol's "kids" sat Joe down and explained to him that he was never to refer to them as his children ever again, publicly or otherwise.

Didn’t Joe say 5, though?

"Airborne veteran, father of 4, fantasist, mooch, bum, faggot."

So, so, so ... are you saying that knowing how many kids you've got is racist?

And he can’t get any of them to school on time.