
7  2019-10-01 by Twatsmash


Why do all fat asses think they are fooling anyone with these aerial shots?

This fat blob bought a selfie stick to try and hide his blubberchins and still insists he isn’t fat.

You know it's awful when you're gut-sucking and you still look like shit

Damn he looks amazing. 🤣🤣🤣

I love emailing my naked pics to unsuspecting women, it’s totally amazeballs. If they get creeped out I just lie and say my email was ghosted, child.

Unlike me, my cyber stalkers are terrible people, sweetie. What’s that? Your grandparents survived the concentration camps but you don’t believe Fonald Plump will go to prison? I don’t believe you and you’re a Nazi you fucking cumrag!

I loved making a fool out of that Jewish woman I was stalking on twitter, child. I even got her to delete her tweets where she exposed me, by using my ghosting lie. She was such a typical dumb, gullible woman, child.

Sloppy tits

He looks like Randy from tpb.

Fat tits

Actual tough guy

Bitches been using this overhead cam angle since Myspace. You ain’t fooling anyone floppytits.

He tried to get an angle that made him look in shape. That angle doesn’t exist.

How do you still have bitch tits from that angle

I've always just joked about his NPD in the past, but man has he really blown the doors on that open. Not only does he have it but to an extreme degree. He thinks he's the toughest guy ever, thinks he's not fat, thinks he's smart, thinks he's an author, thinks hes a comedian, thinks he's a husband, thinks hes a father. Guy sees life through really faggoty rose tinted glasses where he's the best/smartest at everything, child.

definitely a level 3 sex offender. I saw his picture on one of those neighborhood scout sites in Milwaukee

Too bad Nikki is barren and Patrick loves child murder because if they had a kid, he could breastfeed it.

What a selfie taking faggot

Bad beefer pics. Yek