Joe Cumia and his lesser known Brother Anthony ignored their mother when she got dementia. Doug Stanhope spends time with other peoples mothers losing their mind.

1  2019-09-05 by Dennyislife


Joe reported this as "Personal and Confidential Information". If you get a copyright strike over this, please let the sub know. I doubt this woman (and Stanhope) would appreciate knowing Anthony Cumia's racist, unemployed, welfare leech brother is filing illegal DMCAs on her behalf.

Ha seriously? Yeah go inform stanhope. He'd laugh.

He also helped kill his own mother but it was as a kindness.

He's still hilarious.

Why the fuck would he do that? Doesn’t he realize how sad and depressing that is for him? That woman’s basically dead anyway because she is dementia

Stanhope is good people.

So sad to see Donald Sutherland falling apart like this.

But when Bingo smashes her skull and goes into a coma, he flies to L.A. to get blown off the stage by Burr on Rogan’s podcast. Stanhope’s a piece of shit.

Then he flew back straight after the show, and paid for her family's accommodation for a month (two months?) so they could be with her, and he and Chad Shank would take the night shift in Bingo's room so that if she woke in the middle of the night she'd see a friendly face.

He's a bastard, alright.

And he practically bankrupted himself paying her medical bills. What an arsehole.

I'd forgotten that; as well as Bingo saying (post-coma) that it was fine he'd flown to do that LA gig because "We. Don't. Miss. Gigs."


She wasn't going anywhere.