Keith the cop begging Anthony to reunite with Opie has been uploaded to YouTube

1  2019-09-05 by Dennyislife

I'm not even going to link to it. Its tragic. Ants co host...Dave?... Keeps trying to change the subject as he knows he's disposable & even less funny than Opie

Keith wants a full on 5 years of Opie and Anthony.

They really must be running out of cash.


So master general manager and producer Keith as talking about internal affairs in front of everyone, including axing a guy in front of that very same guy?

I find that hard to believe...

It's so cute that Ant's saying it could never happen, and Keith is saying it definitely COULD happen if they were just in the same room with each other, not understanding that Opie said he would never work with Ant again, or even be in the same room with him, because of things he knows he was doing "behind the scenes" (I would have to assume he's talking about the cat fishing incident and the pedophilia). Ant knows this, and Keith is either too desperate to care or actually retarded, or both.

What would Opie gain by doing it? Would those hypothetical gains make up for the hit his (admittedly minuscule) reputation would take by once again associating himself with the racist underage girl aficionado?

Nana is too much of a pussy to do this. He's never had that one on one sit down with Opie in private. Opie clearly doesn't want to hash things out in public, and I can't blame him.

Also, Anth would have to do an about face and own up to all his L's he's taken. All the embarrassing shit after Sirius fired him. Get a clean slate with the O&A audience, not happening. The Opster should leave this one alone.

Its like 8 posts down.

not on this sub

Well that was 3 hours ago of course its going to change by now.

cool thanks for the link, faggot

I was thanking you in advance, stupid

Well fuck you very much and good day.

Keith looked pretty exasperated in that clip.

Probably because Ant pays him to make the problems go away without his involvement so he can get to drinking. How long can he keep Ant in the dark on how bad it may be?

Oh. I'm tired and lazy after a big run . Feeling a bit Joey.

Half marathon, child?

No but will add up to that once i do my second run later.

you can't outrun your gay thoughts

No but you can outrun one too many grapefruit beers brotherman

How come you break your run into two parts?

I needed a shit and i have nothing else going on to do something else later on

....and here was me thinking I'd learn some new, cutting-edge training technique.

There are people who do run twice a day. I've done it myself but i don't bother with all that research or reading. I just get on with it so i can drink more and eat more.

Kill yourself twice. Just kidding, friendo.

Opie needs to upload a video laughing and twirling.


His piece?


They had a good relationship again after they started talking... Brothaman saw their sub numbers and took a hike... and birdshot face went back to bashing him.

Who would host these two? Opie is not allowed in the Sirius/XM building and Anthony's racism has poisoned him from every outlet except 8chan and Snapchat. What do you think a show on Snapchat pays these days? Certainly not enough to keep Keith boat afloat.

Isn't compound media more expensive than netflix, espn+ etc etc?

No need to move if they could get a i can't even "if" it anymore

Why do they just assume that Opie would even be on board with this?

I would pay monthly to see Anthony get rejected though.

Just watched it. Garbage, tough guy Cumia. Could never say any of that to Opie's face. Faggot.

This comment was reported as rude, vulgar, or offensive. I suppose it is.

If Opie was near him, he would just chuckle and twitch, anyhow.


do these guys really think the "O&A Virus" can make a comeback?

their greatest producer and greatest comedian guest are both dead, anthony will never be seen as a "cool guy who doesnt give a fuck" anymore because he cant hide the truth by buddying up with internet mods, sam would be inconsolable if jim left their show (because it would end shortly after, along with his WWE dreams), and opie doesnt seem to see much in the radio business anymore.

do any of them need each other to make podacasts? more importantly, would a podacast be good simply because they all came back together for it? good for a cringe compilation maybe.

Ant knows that shit is long gone. Keith was the one pushing the idea on him. Keith doesnt have anymore ideas to create revenue so he reverted to when Ant was actually making a bunch of money. I would love to watch that idea fail though.

Keith is legitimately mentally challenged.

and opie doesnt seem to see much in the radio business anymore.

ME: Actually I'm not in da Cumia business anymore, brothaman. Thanks for calling in.

sam would be inconsolable if jim left their show (because it would end shortly after, along with his WWE dreams)

Suddenly I'm completely onboard with this move.

Anthony will only do it on air, Opie just wants to talk off air to an old colleague. Keith is right and I hate to say it. But just fucking talk to the guy. They were a bunch thung why not catch up over a beer. It’s kind of fucked for a guy who’s seen so many mob movies (Anthony) to no atleast talk to the guy he made all that cash with.

No one under 35 knows who o&a is. That being said, it was a show of its era that doesn’t hold up today. It was never funny, you were just dumb.

Oh yeah? Well up your nose with a rubber hose, pal!

Got eeemmm

Still better than redbar tho'

What's that dude your phone crapped out?

My favorite part of o an a was making fun of them and their pests on message boards. I can still do that, except for bashing opie, only a fool would try that.

Chula the dog? More like Ugly bitch the... well bitch!

Don't worry guys, I got his bitch ass Also, I'm under 35 and know who all these faggots are, so sit on it bud!

Remind me never to get on your bad side.

This is an attempt to save a failing network

Nanas fans have spent 5 years hating opie and talking about how bad he is. Won’t they all quit?

When Nana did his little reunion with Opie, they were all giddy and acted like nothing happened.

Keith knows the subscibtion numbers are going down every month, and this is the only solution he can think of, but like every other idea he has it's out of date and completely misguided.

16k views on YouTube within 24 hours. His biggest hit in awhile and all because the name “Opie” is in the title. How’s the MyPillow numbahs, Nana?

The best possible option is for The Destroyer and Tranpa to do a commentary together of the Demented World series

Well he is also robbing their remaining subscribers and former subscribers.

thanks for the link faggot

"That town didn't have a lot of N-PR."

The fucking nerve of this faggot to trash Opie's show, when his paid staff can't even muster a fake laugh for his awful jokes.

Those two old queens have nothing relevant or funny left to say. The old show is dead and so is whatever funny the whole crew had in them.

They are so stingy with the clips - aggressively taking down any videos where something slighty interesting happened on their network, only to upload videos where their network looks awful.

One of the only full shows they ever uploaded was the Colin Flaherty one, where Ant locked up like a battered wife and admitted he didn't know what to do, Ron explained to him in detail how he "got lost" and is no longer funny and then quizzed him about the fact that he pretended his mother didn't exist for 5 years while she was dying alone so that he wouldn't be sad.

Now he's posted a video that shows they're desperate for more subs.

Didn't they do this before, offering Opie half the company or some shit like that??

*half the debt

Opie made Anthony . He isn't going to play second fiddle and work for ant. Smart move. Plus Opie wants the content control and he would never get that going there.

How fun would it be tho?

So Ant gets fired from Sirius, shits on Opie, then tries to make nice with Opie while Keith tries to get him to buy half of Compound, then Opie says "No" and they shit on him again, and now they're trying to make nice again?

Have I forgotten one or two shit/make nice cycles in there - it's so hard to keep track.

I had to check if they removed the greggshells episodes from yt. Nope, they're still there...

...and that is how you executive produce!

when they cut to KTC in the studio, they have Ant off to the lower right in a picture in picture and for some reason they have dave above Ant like he was added as an afterthought . just cut dave out of it for christ sakes. no one needs to see dave or nana but least of all dave