Hey everyone! I’m just going to repeat the same shit a thousand times to deflect the fact that I was at a party a statutory rape took place and did nothing.

72  2019-09-04 by xterraroc


What was he gonna do, tell Keith the Cop? At least he’s trying to redeem himself by doing something about it now. Of all the things you should hate him for, this shouldn’t be one of them.

Yeah, he’s alternately gossiping about it on here, then acting like he’s better than everyone on here because he was actually (very vaguely) involved with the show. Someone get this hero a medal!

Yes because Keith is the only police officer in NY... trust me Nassau county police lock up NYPD officers all the time. NYPD is a shitty police department that takes anyone who passes the test.

Yeah he isn’t the only police officer in New York, I won’t disagree with that.but he’s usuallly the only one that retired because his one time millionaire, pedophile friend hired him on to do his laundry and shit and that was worth ending a career I The NYPD to be a laundry boy idk I stopped typing that sentence but Anthony/Keith is much more of a pedophile ting then a “show” the network overall and his attitude use are insanely bad and irrelevantly .

He was the only one at the Pedo McMansion that night. You know that if someone were to call others he’d know how to talk them away and turn it around on the caller. Not a good situation especially in the house of the pedophile. I can understand

You call anonymously and say you are a concerned neighbor and believe your neighbor is having a party with underage drinking taking place... that simple.

how is talking about it on reddit redeeming anything? he should go to the police if he wants redemption

redeem himself? he shat on anthony for months when they had that falling out, and he never even brought up that whole thing about ant being a molester, he only started with some stories after it became a thing on reddit. I wouldn't be surprised if he's making this shit up.

Yes, pull the ole Mike McQueary. Run home and tell daddy what happened after the fact.

A real man would step up and stop the act on the spot. Danny is no real man.

You're right but every time I've defended him on here he attacked me. That's his redemption

He's an enabler

This is actually completely true. Not just on the whole "let's fuck Bobo's sister" thing but right from the beginning making Anth think that getting drunk and singing karaoke every day with a guy who'll watch Seinfeld and Back to the Future on loop with you is a normal thing.

A jew who supports pedophilia. Wake me up when something new develops.

Bloom Syndrome-ass heeb

A snitch in the camp, how unoriginal.

I'm pretty sure he's blocked my Aryan ass on Reddit

He hasn’t blocked me yet... he will just come up with something witty like “ shut up faggot or retard” .

TBF, that’s mostly our default defense as well.


Youd think he would be craftier

You'd certainly think he'd be wealthier and more successful. He's got to be pushing 40, easy. To be middle aged and to have no gelt? What a schande! Everybody at schul must think he's a real farkakte nebbish!

Someone on the old sub captioned this picture "When the goyim drop their shekels" and it still makes me laugh and laugh.

Anyway, Danny Dovid Ross aka u/theblueawning is an accomplice to actual rape.

Witness to molestation. Big difference.

Once again hiding in the shadows down voting and reading every comments... your morph into Joe is almost complete.

The guy username mentioned me.

I thought you hated this sub and all the people in it but like Joe you can’t stay away for more the 3 day.

You're upset with me for giving you info? I don't get it. There's a ton of shit that I put out there.

Does confessing to the people you claim to hate make you feel better? I still can’t get over the fact that you did absolutely nothing knowing what you knew. You could have hung him right then and there and rightfully so but you turned your head and walked away. Unless.... everything you say is absolutely bull shit.

Walk me through this real quick.

I see Bobo's sister get touched by Kurt Love and what now. I didn't see Anthony touch her.

He tells me about a molestation that occured that I didn't witness.

At what point is he "hung" exactly?

You see a convicted felon touch a minor and nothing? I don’t get that part. Who’s the victim? Bobo’s sister or another minor?

Only looked him up later that week.

Then I went to Jim and he didn't care.

Did you want me to blow up the show in 2012?

Ahhh to protect children from abuse? Absolutely! You went to Jim? Of all the people that’s your go to guy? Anthony’s boy? Of course he’s not going to say anything .

I get it. I should have blown up like 20 people's jobs. It's so easy isn't it!

What if was your daughter, niece, sister, mother would you give two fucks about the 20 jobs ?

I didn't have to scroll too deep into your comment history to find you referencing women as "cumdumpsters".

Look at what you're a fan of here. Stop pretending you have some moral code. Sure is easy to talk shit when you were never in the position.

If any adult woman in my family allowed the Cumias inside them yes and disown them but not if they were children stupid. Nice try to defect but no.

Bottom line... you watched a 14 year old get touch by a grown man and did absolutely nothing... oh sorry you told Jim and this sub . Wow! Conscience clean. Whatever makes you sleep at night but you did the wrong thing in my opinion.

What's worse. Me knowing? Or a NYPD cop with daughters. I think you're barking up the wrong tree.

I guess I should have never told the sub? Would you rather that as well?

1000% agree with you on that.

1000% agree with you on that.


This one made for good rubbernecking. Great show.