"Starve Nana"

49  2019-09-03 by flip0pilf


Is that an old post?

Yes. It was right after the first sub was set to private

and cruising by big apple, without any thoughts of stopping in whatsoever

No child spit in sight because he drank it all

But that would imply that he was lying! Are we sure about this?

Seriously I don’t even know what year this post is from

i’m pretty sure it’s from it’s from April of this year

Oh how time flies



His name is Philip Marma

Did Slow Joe make fun of Philip?

We are Nana...and Nana is us.

Guys, I'm starting to suspect Joe Cumia is a delusional retard.

I prefer the other r-word.



Nothin. Just sayin Joe Cumia's a peter puffer.

“The ideology behind feed nana.”

It was literally just a crappy drawing of antH getting fucked by sue. But this grandstanding idiot has to make us sound like a bunch of jeffrey dahmers that he alone was fighting with. Just kill yourself joeH. Show some backbone for once in your fat life.

The dramatic irony of joe not knowing how funny it is for him to use this phrase has to be some kind record for irony.

He thinks he outsmarts us all the time, he's adorable

Let us not all forget how fucking long it took him to figure that out. Didn't know he could get away with that for years and then finally saw PT do it.


time for me to ride off into the sunset

Only to come back within 72 hours. Almost like we’ve heard this before

The blubber-breasted moo cow really thought he cracked some sort of secret sub code and cleverly turned it around on everyone, just like how he thought he was sharing secret Windows insider information by babbling about ctrl+alt+del. Just when you think that maybe he's just trolling everyone he proves that nope, he really is a gigantic retard.

He must have spent a solid hour on that and had no idea what feed nana meant. Too worried about getting the spelling correct that he forgot to know what he was talking about.

ride off into the sunset on my Asian iron horse


Sooner or later one of the truckers on this subreddit will see a guy riding a Chinese motorcycle wearing Son’s of Anarchy merchandise and flatten him. It will be your fault Joe.

That's what he calls his chinese knockoff guitars now?

He's quit Reddit at least 10 times now. Nice self control, stupid.

And ANYBODY can do it!

Probably browses the sub while chowing down on a tub of fatty mayo

Fat burning mode engaged 😎😎😎

“I’ll lurk from time to time, but no more interaction with you” he loftily proclaimed, but he’s still here. Everyday. Making comments then deleting them. That’s interaction Joe. Try this little trick you BSE brained dimwit, pretend that the sub is your dying mother and if you still can’t stay away then you might have to admit that you enjoy our little to-ing and fro-ing more than you enjoyed spending time with her...

get a load of this doctor using the fancy terms for diseases ;)

it’s a veterinary term for our bovine friend


Haha, what a fucking tool

That's what we call a Trailer Queen. But it means something else to a Cumia.

'Coup-de-tat'... I'm sure he pronounces it that way too.

Here is another time joe publicly left. This has happened about 6 times?


I’m banned from surviving O&A subs. Sorry for not interacting. I’ll post my farewell here w/ hopes some see it. u/BlueAwning reminded me why Reddit is wretched. HE CHASED ME AWAY. I’m done. You may believe otherwise but, my play is finished here. Blame him. HE BROKE YOUR TOY. You now have nothing.

Stupid ass couldn't even get Danny's name right

Here is another time joe left publicly

opienanthony TargetedHarassment 2 points 4 months ago Wrong again. I’m gone as of today. Always jumping to conclusions. Biggest problem w the sub has always been believing and fictionalization over fact.

I wasn’t coming here to defend, I was here in an offensive capacity. Mission accomplished. I’m gone.

Lmao the ideology of feed nana, the conceptual nana, etc.

Shut up fat bitch it's just your gay brother

By a tranny that he paid hush money to constantly through Venmo.

Or course the All-American hero Joe Cumia rides a Japanese bike and plays Chinese guitars.

If you slightly edited this, you could convince me that Chris-chan wrote it.

Joe is now cutting pro wrestling promos against us.

“Starve Nana” is still probably my favorite Joe event.

my favorite was when he want to www.myiqtestscam.com and believed the results and that he was a genius

And we're still dealing w/the guy 3 years later, he just can't stay away. Only women and faggots write an internet goodbye that long and stupid.

This nigga literally changed "Ro" to "NANA" and hit "ADD COMMENT."

"Why you ask?" -- No Joe, no one asked.

The last paragraph is about ignoring his mother until she died. What a piece of shit pussy.

Is this Long Island trash faggot bragging about having a garage? Nobody fucking cares queer.

Brother Joe, with a lifestyle as bountiful as his man-breasts and an intellect as sharp as a ham cube. It's pretty funny when a grown man who's very best shirt has chain suspenders and flames printed on it tries to be condescending.

The ideology behind Moo Cow Joe's giant udders is that they're huge.

did he really write that? this can't be real