The dinosaur in ants backyard thinks ant makes some very good points. You think he rehearses these fantasy conversations in his head?

37  2019-09-01 by ants_ccw_permit


Imagine how amazing his network could be if he put as much effort into counter programming against them rather than pretending to be inanimate objects on twitter so that his profile looks like it gets engagement

His obsession with twitter is proof that he knows he reaches a larger audience there than on his show. It's so fucking sad.

But really it's kind of hilarious.

A long time ago I was going to get my dick sucked

I took it out and it stunk so bad the "girl" started to choke

She went in the bathroom threw up.

Corrado Soprano killin it for us today

Really pounded that guy.

This is pathetic

Is this the "and rise again part" of the Cumia book?

I will never understand why people like Anthony are so obsessed with Antifa. You live in a McMansion on Long Island that you never leave. They ain't coming for you.

Idk if ive ever seen an ANTIFA before. I think the fine citizens of Richmond (very dark) would politely tell them to fuck off.

Ant's leaving no offspring, so he really cares about the future of the citizenry, who'll be looking like his family in a few decades.

Well they did have something to say to Anthony Cumia’s brother

He isn't, he's actually obsessed with online news stories about Antifa. He lets cheesy lunatic fringe websites do his thinking for him. He pretends to be a conservative pundit who owns libtards but in reality he barely even understands the gibberish he's reading.

Anthony’s defense of Trump has always seemed half hearted to me. I think even he realizes Trump isn’t doing a good job. He’s just going through the motions.

Of course he could just sit this one out, not comment at all, and retain his integrity (what’s left of it), but I guess the desire to ‘pwn the libs’ is too strong.

He's not allowed to criticize him or he'll lose points with his buddies. Doesn't make any impact on illegal immigration, no problem. Makes speeches about working towards bipartisan gun control..... gonna pretend it didn't happen.

pardon me for being very gay, but Anthony's political behavior exemplifies something called negative partisanship. I.e. people adopt political preferences in order to express antipathy for groups that they don't like, not on the basis of an honest appraisal of facts/reality. Or as Ron put it, Anthony only identifies as republican/conservative because he blames liberals and blacks for everything wrong in his life.

Nana Groomia is a real firebrand on Twitter, yet his actual show, a platform he could use for anything he likes, mostly consists of him anxiously hugging himself and retardedly giggling at the antics of unfunny F-list comics no one knows about or likes. At this point there's no real reason for his "show" to even exist, he might as well just bag it and give himself more time to set up his faggotized Twitter accounts.

Sir, may I remind you he had Matt Holt on?

I think this account was his “secret” second account that he was never going to reveal and I think that it just got deleted ahhahahahah

He just changed the name. It’s poolsideDino now.

Nice 3-year-old hot takes, stupid.

Thaaats the funny part

Nana is hopelessly lost in social media and the retarded daily online outrage news cycle. He's lost all touch with reality. He cares about this faggotry way, way more than any grown man should.

This is a legit mental illness within the Cumia's.