REAL recovering addict with REAL personality who does REAL comedy and talks in his REAL voice not baby noises in costumes

75  2019-09-01 by ThatNiggaDre


Saint on ert

Doesn't pay for sex

And isn't a prop comic

Prefers women with vaginas.

Prefers but he’s not religious about it. Norton’s tranny bit was stolen from Colin a while back.

I recently watched some of his stand up from the early 90s and he's a total smoke show. Hubba hubba

Hard 7

Typical modesty from Col. Those smilin' Irish baby blues took him up to an 8 easy.

I had a hard 7 looking into those dreamy eyes

Effortlessly demeans the life's work of his closest friends.


Doesn’t unfollow his friends like an almost impossibly massive faggot because they dont care about, or have faith in, his attempts at fame.


I hate to shit on Colin but honestly the Weekend Update gig wasn't his best work.

Not for everybody, but it was supposed to be a neighborhood guy breaking down the news. I remember it was like Norm in the sense that I’d be laughing my ass off at home, but the audience wasn’t nearly as into it.

Colin and Norm are the Dio and Ozzy of the fake news media and if you don't see how great Colin's jokes were every week considering the filters he had to go through and news he has to work with, well, I just can't get on with you, mate.

His material wasn't bad but his delivery was a little awkward and he struggled to get his lines out often. I just don't think reading from a teleprompter was his strong suit. Norm is the undisputed GOAT of weekend update though.

I prefer difficult to understand speech over the fake voice faggots people endure nowadays

I had stopped watching SNL by then but yeah I remember all my friends constantly complaining about how terrible Colin was at that job.

Then again people have suffered from mass stupidity before, so I dunno.