Chappelle's new special? Nah man haven't seen it, was it good? I like Dave a lot, man, I'll watch it sometime I've just been really busy. But you thought it was funny? Dave's a funny guy, man.

105  2019-08-31 by redditsipowillsuck


Dave's special? Yeah, ahhh, he's getting a lot of heat from people I respect but the thing is he's a funny guy. I'm kinda torn on the whole thing to be honest.

I can believe Jimmy's torn his hole.

you know dave's a fuckin' genius man, but you just can't dehumanize the trans community like that... (all together!) it's a tough one

I don't want to be influenced.

Or influence

Or under the influence

By good comedy.

What the fuck is going on in the corners of his mouth?

Paxil abuse

He won't take prescription drugs. It could hurt his "creativity".

Ew I just noticed that... fucking worm paste

Busy edging to tranny cam whores all fucking night and then complaining that he's tired at his 4 hour job that he spends half of on the toilet shitting cum and smelling the tp. Mushy little faggot.

Jim stinks.

Job that he’s late to bc baby boy can’t order his Uber early enough and prob bc his rating is so low that he Can’t get most decent drivers to even pick him up. Also spends half the show complaining he’s Hungry and needs coffee then complains about said food and coffee. Heaven forbid anyone motherfucked him and put salt in his egg white and mustard power up. Also god forbid his coffee was not from Starbucks then he’ll brood and get real dark man.

The last time I heard Jim & Sam (think it was during the Louis CK stuff) Sam asked Jim if he saw it and he said no and was about to give a BS explanation, but then he just exhaustedly said no I didn’t watch it as if everyone was aware that he’s full of shit

It pleases me that he's becoming aware of how pathetic he sounds.

Do you think he experienced a whiff of shame?

No. Quite the opposite actually. Now he realizes he doesn’t have to make up shit, just say no. I feel like fumbling around for a lie is more shameful.

I fucking hate that goddamn shirt so much

Nice shirt hatred, stupid.

Blue shirt red pants. He really does dress like an aids stricken LEGO man

All these years and that eyebrow has consistently out performed his erection.

He's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes - like a doll's eyes.

Dave Chappelle? I heard that he EFFFEENNNDDDEDDD SOME PEOPLE

I hate his teeth.

You just quoted my sibling. Now I know they're doomed to a pit of despair for eternity and beyond with a country code phone number for Scandinavian dicksville.

Hey, Dave, can you get me a special on Netflix?


The next day

Dave Chappelle, what a fffffucking sssssscuuumbaaaaaag!!!!!

Jesus, I never noticed how like Bobo he looks.

Late on this but I think it's obvious he resented the success with of the Chappelle show and South Park during tough crowds run because of comedy Central wanting to segregate topics (race, pop culture, politics-daily show),

It's a possibility. But what's his excuse for never seeing anything else past 1994?

Norton's new special "Tranny Cock Is Not Gay" is currently in production.