Nice account, stupid

77  2019-08-31 by 985x


Joe admitted that he registered @TheCumia with his phone number, so when it gets banned Joe's real account would be considered ban evasion

Oh dear, that would be a bummer if Joe lost his main Twitter account.

He takes our subs away, it would only be fair

He sends one of ours to the hospital, we send to of theirs to obscurity.

Lol at the James Hefner user name.

How is AntH not insulted by that?

Nana can’t stand up for her self.

Oh yeah, that's right. He's a pathetic coward piece of shit.

Joe’s gonna be playing the knock-out game with her soon.

He gave Joe a raise

Just wait till he makes another account. Pathetic 60 year old man obsessing over social media.

He's 74

The length he will go to feed his brothers addiction.

Exactly the same as him pandering to anths addiction to young girls.

He’s taking t shots in order to feed nana

What pathetic old men.

Imagine having to explain to someone how you've evaded so many Twitter bans that you have to use an account your brother made.

Hey William Shatner, it's Brother Joe, Ant wants you to know it's okay to follow this account. It's really him.

About to spit us redditards some truth and knowledge

It's the end of the month, which means allowance day for Joe. He's trying so hard to keep baby brother happy and he's failing miserably.

Did he literally take the advice of someone here that said “maybe he could get away with it if he named it The Joe Cumia Show feat.... blablabla”?

You see, Joes a retard. So the answer is yes.

This name is joeyhs fantasy, if only opie hadn’t have teamed up with anth

Amy Schumer presents: Anthony Cumias twitter

I'll bet Joe was really proud of himself when he thought up this "loophole"