Joe claims Anthony Hefner will “have something bulletproof” soon in terms of a Twitter account

70  2019-08-31 by shickadantz

I can’t wait to see what idiotic BS these two social media-addicted faggot grandmas come up with next. I’m sure it’ll be as “bulletproof” as his #brotherlyassistance account.

Fucking retarded heifer.


Imagine being in your 60s and being that invested in faggot social media. They really are both such gigantic embarrassments.

This is another sign that CumPound Media is a failure. If Ant had a paying audience for his race rants and jokes about 45 year old TV shows, he wouldn't be spending every waking hour on Twitter.

Welcome to obscurity, Nana!


If Anthony put even half the time and effort into his gay show that he invests in tweeting it might occasionally be semi watchable. But he doesn't and it isn't.

I don't like to work! A-HAA-HAAAA isn't that so cute and incorrigible? Especially when you pay an XM subscription!

Be a shame if someone sent that tweet to Twitter support for ban-evasion ;D

Jamesy plans to keep Twitter busy with illegal DMCAs, running interference so his shit stain brother can continue retweeting great achievements in science and engineering while claiming them as his own.

Joe's going to subpoena twitter.


are they banning him because he has the same IP address as his prior accounts? maybe he plans on using a vpn?

He’s banned because he constantly evades bans and is a piece of shit. Joe has a plan this time though, so Nana’s next account is sure to stay up.

He’s at Geek Squad right now figuring it all out.


I love how much the Cumia bros go on about how they have each other's backs when in reality it's a very exploitative relationship of usery and fear, kept together by the fact that they're too pig-headed and socially damaged to find anyone outside of blood family to relate to.

So bulletproof that obscurity will be more famous.