Not photoshopped

45  2019-08-31 by daveslandcow


The only thing good about that beard is that we bullied him into growing it.

God SamH and AntH are carnival ugly.

Sideshow Slob

In the whole O&A universe, he has to be the biggest piece of shit.


Under Joe.

Real life AIDS virus.

zoom in on teeth

Don't do this if you've eaten a meal in the last hour.

Eating an apple through a chain link fence lookin ass nigga

Art Garfugly

Nice dryer lint facial hair stupid.

His hair is 1/8 of the thinness of normal human hair

Can someone do a pic morph of Sam turning from 'flips quarters off his ankle kid' to this monstrosity?

Making sure that this fucktard had a radio career was the worst thing that Opie ever did on the radio, or the planet.

The Brotherman would’ve never signed off on giving this ugly homo a hosting gig.

Except he did. Repeatedly. Stop it.

The after show or whatever it was called doesn’t count. The Opster only tolerated that shit. You were one of the few who heard it. Stop giving yourself upvotes on your alts.

I’ve never had an alt account. I can tell you to fuck off just fine on this one. I’ve never listened to a Sam Roberts show. I hated that pukesome little one-note fuck whenever he got on mic on the regular show, and never understood why retard Tits kept bringing him in and pushing him forward.

No one else did. Yet numb fucks were on the message boards talking about the “shit stirrer” and how funny he was on his own show. Same as the idiots now saying that suddenly Tits isn’t rubbish too, just because everyone else is worse than him.

The Titster didn’t “tolerate” anything. Sam was his little bitch-boy and hid behind Opie’s pendulous knockers, and he fucking allowed it and defended him. Gtfoh with the revisionist history bullshit.

When you unironically morph into Scorch

Just a pile of pubes

Cotton candy hair, woof

Dandelion hair lookin ass

That’s exactly what women who think beards are gross think of.

He’s the only person I can think of who has the genetic of a beard but can’t pull it off.


How does this thing work for WWE

Imagine his fart breath

His beard looks exactly like that pube beard from jackass
