We have been too nice to this guy.

35  2019-08-28 by warchief1978


This makes me very happy. When you have someone as untalented as him and you basically thrust them to fame through no merits of their own, and you add in how completely fucking batshit he is, this is bound to happen.

What the fuck is his appeal? His dad died during 9/11 and he dresses like an asshole who just grabs everything he can from Urban Outfitters??? It’s ridiculous. Ask anyone who goes to see him live and they’re not a fan of his standup. They’re a fan of his because he’s famous. Whether it be for being the young guy who doesn’t do anything funny and has no personality on SNL, or that he dated Ariana Grande for a blink of an eye and managed to damage and humiliate himself in an astounding amount of time.

Fuck him. I hope his dumb Apatow-helmed movie bombs and his fifteen can finally be up

You’re still being too easy on him.

You know what? You’re right

He's famous solely for the 9/11 story. The next generation doesn't believe the American version of this story at all, and neither does half of the country now, so they need more propaganda.

When his handler finally gives him that lethal dose they'll claim that all his problems in life were the result of the loss of his father and spend a week doing 9/11 propaganda

This sounds potentially anti-semitic to me! He he he.

You forgot that he’s a jew creep and that he’s propelled state of fame probably came about out of pure sympathy and some old jewy rich executives thinking it’s better to back the faggot you know than the faggot you don’t.

Anyone like him who uses tattoos as a form of body decoration is a no talent fuckface. He’s worth less than the bitches who get under tit tattoos that look like shitty chandeliers hanging from their jugs.

I don’t know what it is about his face but I feel like it needs to be censored. It’s too fucking graphic, ugly motherfucker. His probably chose to die because he felt a quick and gruesome death was easier than raising ol’ buttfuckface magoo.

I've got him in my death pool this year. 4 months to go.

He thanked Shaq for taking time off from throwing barrels at Super Mario to attend Justin Bieber’s roast.

That will carry him at least as far as shitting on the Stangel Bros did.

He’s used the “r word,” no more colleges for him

Fuckin' riggers.

I didn't believe Jews caused 9/11...until they gave Pete Davidson a career.

Uh oh, he said retarded!! Cancel his career!

He calls his lackey 'his boy', and he thinks millenials are embarrassing?

And what the fuck - he IS a millenial!

Anyone who shits on millennials as some peculiar outlier of a generation is an absolute gaping asshole of a faggot.

millennials aren't young anymore dude

After learning his dad died on 9/11, it made me reconsider my opinions on Muhammad Atta.

pete is an o and a pest and was a frequent guest on opie radio. he even went to the traveling virus tour. he deserves our support!

Not this time Pat.

Not this time...

He was trying to recreate the Bill Burr moment

The /r/UCF sub was roasting him pretty good yesterday.

Pete's a dipshit and is in no way famous enough to bitch about his audience disobeying a cell phone ban, but the school and student body's reaction regarding "abusive language", "derogatory slurs" and "the r-word" makes me it hard for me to know who to hate more here.

I hate that gangly wigger passionately.

Every year on 9/11 I secretly thank the Taliban for killing Pete’s father.

you're right, I think it's time to shoot for Everyone this sub hates committing suicide or bust

What's the point of talking about him? He's beyond pathetic at what he's trying to do, and as a person I general. I heard a bit he did on Comedy Central a while ago about how he wanted to watch Crank II while he was in rehab. It was maybe a 3-4 minute long bit with no laughter and was essentially him explaining the process of requesting a movie to watch at whatever rehab he was bragging about being in. The punchline was "Crank II", which he said at the beginning.

I swear the only reason he is where is now is simply because he cries thst he's an addict when he's actually just a coddled pussy who seems to have grown up around no real men.