Our schedules clashed.

36  2019-08-27 by WheelchairFred


Joe liked that Kuhn was 6'4". Made fun of himself ducking for the pic. He says it was a habit. Lots of short men at the Big Apple.

To this day nobody has been able to explain to me what the fuck is wrong with his face

Write him a nice prison letter and ask him.

Dear Half-Nose Kid-Killer....

What, his skin color? Get woke, bro.

Complexion: Light <--Huh?

In prison, he's Brer Rabbit.

Nigga snortin golf balls

Anti w else disappointed he wasn’t listed as Aka killa_kuhn on that doc?

English, nigger ... DO YOU SPEAK IT??

Political prisoner

That’s a big scary negro. Just like all the rest of them