Is there any way a truce could happen between all of the broken subs?

12  2019-08-27 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Thomas Daly and his fags are bummed they can’t share child porn in off-site forums and post “nigger” every two seconds on most ona subreddits, yet they don’t seem to know how to organize or care to know how to run a well-oiled ship, even off reddit. And they’re starting to side with Joe now, just to piss off the rest of the community.

Is there some kind of angle that could unite the subs? Because it doesn’t seem like our mutual hatred of Joe, or even Pat, is gonna cut it.


They demand that the people who actually keep this place together and organized step down so they can run a community that, based on their current sub, roughly 15 people want to participate in.

There's really nothing to be done other than ignoring them and waiting for them to get bored and realize they lost. Think of them like you think of Joe and the writer. They don't have the maturity nor mental capacity to even realize they lost.

What's their current sub?

Fuck that. It's not like all these forum cunts were a long time fixture in the 1st sub. A lot of them are kids from England who have little idea who Opie and Anthony are. Most of them latched on, thinking we were some white power group, after the SpaceEdge shit went down because users were in a state of over-exuberance being able to say whatever they wanted again and were going hard after the author who triggered their autism with his nonsense. They were never a huge problem in the 1st sub when there was little moderation at all.

Whilst we're on this subject, does anyone else remember when O&A couldn't use Howard's name on air? Sure they whined and moaned about it, but did they try to take down the whole company in revenge? None of us like censorship, but by attacking the sub these people are proving to be more thin-skinned bitches than the people we go after on a daily basis. Do you really want that back?

None of us like censorship, but by attacking the sub these people are proving to be more thin-skinned bitches than the people we go after on a daily basis.

The main issue is those few retards don't understand that they're trying to post their nonsense on one of the most censored websites on the Internet, but it's all the mods fault, not Reddit user policy or anything like that at all. To them, certain mods are conspiring to personally fuck with them, and that's a HUGE problem for them, but it re-enforces your point.