Nice video editing software, dummy.

1  2019-08-21 by dazzlefloss


He pays someone to edit this show. That person can't even be bothered to watch the pile of shit back at 10x to look for obvious errors like this before uploading. Fantastic!

Boomer wop creates his own network to tell about blacks? Where have I seen this before?!

The Republican party, right guys?

Hillary's cankles, FBI crime statistics, LMAO

Can’t blame him the boomer tard was hitting that libtard baby crying sound board pretty hard that day

Funniest shit I've seen from him in a while.

He had a cakewalk job at SiriusXM. How the fuck does someone get fired from that place?

Step 1. Be a dumb race obsessed wop.

It has a 100% success rate

Comes with 3 protestors when you get fired. Two and a half if you count cognitive ability

I don’t think he got fired for anything race related. I think he said something problematic about women. I could be wrong because he is definitely dumb enough to have been Cumia’d. It sucks because I liked when Ronnie B would come on during Nick’s show.

It was a joke about school shooters, saying something like he wished one would walk into congress or something like that. It was fucking ridiculous.

That’s right! I couldn’t believe they fired him over that.

I thought he walked from that gig? That the one with Artie “come for the man, Ang” show?

No, that was DirectTV awhile ago and an even more cake job. Just last year he had a solo evening radio show on SXM. I like Nick, but it was total shit.

I like nick, too. I believe with the right producer and second banana as cohost, he could have an entertaining show.

Wow. That's actually funny if it was done ironically. Kind of like if you put a "Unregistered HyperCam 2" logo on an obviously modern video just for shits and giggles.

He’s got the best IT guys in Georgia working on this. They have four donkeys on treadmills powering that GPU!