If you didn't know anything about Jimmy and you listened to Jim&Sam you would get ZERO of his jokes. It is a bad sign for a comic when you have to know their background to get their jokes

30  2019-08-20 by Hamburger212


My.....mouf....is dry πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

OMG my ribs

You'd get the jokes if you were a Jerky Boys fan.

Also, even the most open minded person would be off-put and irritated by Jim's endless obsession with trannies.

"This comedian you introduced me too...is this all he talks about??"


To be fair, it was fucking impossible to get anyone new into O&A or R&F, even at their peaks, because every other fucking line was a callback or a movie reference. You'd spend the whole show trying to explain why things were funny, or trying to convince the person that Fez wasn't an act. Never worked.

It is a world best left to the chosen people

(((the chosen people)))?

To be fair I don't get Sam's jokes either.

Didnt some girl make a post about dictching her friends roadtirp and they wouldnt be able to pay for the rest of it without her because the driver kept listing to JandS in the rent a car?

What would us civilians know about it

he’s also getting fat, but still not funny.