Does anyone else ever have random outbursts where you repeatedly blurt out how you’re not a pedophile?

22  2019-08-19 by Sergeant_Joseph_Spud

Or is that just Joe?


Ain’t nothing but a Joe thing, baby.

Defending two child molester on reddit goin, crazy.

I'm not though.

Only 3 times in one conversation I just need to make the point

Don't forget completely out of the blue.

That's not what Joe said; he said that people had accused him of being a paedophile.

He never denied it.

He was under oath you se

only in court or on national television

I blurt out dumb shit when I'm high but that's just Joe.

Thats such a brother joe thing to do.

I'm not in the Cumia business, brotherman.

Nope nor do i regularly have to shout I'm not a white supremacists.

So so so you're saying I shoulda just moo'd at the judge instead of repeatedly saying I'm not a member of the hair club for men???? Moooooo