I hope Nana dies first so we get to see Joe and Kieth go to war over everything he owned.

71  2019-08-18 by Sergeant_Joseph_Spud

How funny would it be to see Welfare Joe forced to work at Walmart until the day he dies? Lmao I hope Keith takes those two retards to the cleaners.


Nah, Joe is going to die first. The next time he gets chest pain and they go in and look, it will be his previous stent getting blocked and he'll need bypass surgery. And because her isn't an illegal immigrant, he'll have to prove he can pay for it and since he uses cash for everything, I bet his credit score is shit, so no life saving surgery. I'm sure he'll call little brother to pay for and get hung up on. He'll then call sis to talk to brother. Joe will then threaten brother who will send his financial advisor Keith over to speak to Joe. Tight after Keith "agrees" to pay for the surgery, Joe will peacefully pass in his sleep. No need for autopsy because her was under the long term care of a Doctor named Steve who will sign the death certificate. Brother will then go on the Twitter and blame immigrants and black shooting victims for why he brother couldn't get surgery.

This is one of those scenarios where you'd be thankful that America has such a heartless (no pun intended) and barbaric healthcare system.

I work in the system, believe me, Death Panels do exist. I probably would shock you how many times insurance companies refuse to pay for testing that the patient meets the companies own criteria.... But the folks with government healthcare get whatever they want. I had a patient who was permanent disabled at 32, their disability, being over weight..... They weighed 25 pounds more than me.

Are you a great big fat person?

LOL, no 6 foot, 186 pounds. But the way I eat, I should be

I had another patient permanently disabled due to an addiction of Marijuana. Dude wasn't even 30 yet

People lack purpose in life nowadays. They should find themselves a gay cow to make fun of like we do.

Wait a minute. All a person has to do is smoke a lot of weed, get the munchies a lot (becoming an "obese" 215 lbs.) and they get a free welfare ride for life??? What the motherless fuck?? And I'm paying for this shit with my fuckin' taxes??

In certain poor counties in Maryland, YES

Fuckin' A .... Fuckin' retarded jiggaboos can't even fuckin' read and now this. Fucking worthless chimp scum.

How much did they get?

Not sure exactly, but it was reported that if they had a full time job, it would equate to almost $53k I avoid doing for groceries on the 1st and 15th because their carts are full. The kicker, they can buy crabs with their food card, a bushel is $150 and they complain when they have to pay $5 to have them steamed. Most resale then in the parking lot or nearby for $50 or $75

Jesus Christ. What a life.

What a Cahntry!

wake up, wake up, It's the first of the month

'it's like a black welfare anthem'

Just like The Wire predicted, maaaaaan.

I don't get it and probably will never be able to get my head around it. Two of my grandparents were American, I've got a shitload of American family on both sides and have been there more times than I can remember. It's a great country in a lot of ways, literally and figuratively. But the healthcare thing is fucking insane for an outsider.

Back in World War 2 America was facing massive inflation with half their workforce heading off to fight in the war. Companies were having to pay higher and higher wages to attract the remaining men, and that was driving up the cost of the goods and services they produced.

So, the government (like most WW2 governments) enforced a pricing and wage freeze - no increases without formal permission. But they didn't freeze benefits, so companies started sweetening the deal by offering healthcare. Once the insurance companies started making massive profits off this newly expanded market it was hard to get them to let go, and they had the money to fund politicians who wouldn't make them let go. Add in a population where less than 50% vote, and hey presto - you get American healthcare.

Interesting, thanks.


Probably a creepy Male nurse who thinks himself an Angel of Mercy

No sugar, no starch!

Ahhhhhhhh my diagnosis is a severe buildup of viscous fluuuuuid in and around the ventricles

I hope Nana is rendered non-verbal by a stroke. Joe will claim power of attorney over Anth and his estate, immediately put Anth in a home were he will never visit, and drain Anth's accounts, and confiscate his possessions. War Hero Joe wins again, folks!

Can you imagine his fucking victory parade for the REDDITARDS?

I bet Keith has had power of attorney for no less than 5 years. Nana is way too much of a pussy to say no.

Meanwhile, Joey is saying all the things completely opposite what Nana wants, so he tries to protest by making feeble grunting noises and frantically waving a spastically closed hand, while Joey says "What's that, buddy? You're happy I'm getting all your wordly possessions?" (looks at judge and brushes away an imaginary tear) "That's a brother for ya, your Honor ...."

I’d understand . Joe would be too sad to visit. He wants only positive memories of Nana fingering underage girls at the Compound.

They'd park strokemouth Ant in front of the camera 7 days a week. His fat fans would continue paying to watch him grunt and twitch about niggers.

Yes, but before that, I hope Sam gets Anus Ebola

Hopefully, Missy will be the sole heir in the will.

If not she'll just steal everything anyway.

To the only grrrl I every loved.

I hope Nana dies

Karaoke machine and a walmart green screen diy studio? Book it for Springer.

"This week on "Springer" .... "Bargain Basement Broadcasters!"

Keith has undoubtedly gotten Ant to change his will whilst in a drunken state.

KEITH: "OK Ant, just out your John Hancock right there and we'll be all set."

ANT: signs document

KEITH: "Great! Now if you'll just erase 'John Hancock' and sign your own name ...."

Rolling on the floor. Hilarious bit.

lol Classic "The Bob Newhart Show" line.

Even Walmart wouldn't hire Joe. They have standards.

You know I never thought about this but I guarantee joe doesnt have health insurance considering hes unemployed and "Obamacare is for niggers and welfare queens." (Direct quote)

No healthcare for Joe the mooch. He pays CASH!

He's leaving all of it to the cat and the cat will be filing bankruptcy within a year.