Also, reminder to “FOLLOW” your favorite posters because of situations like this

10  2019-08-17 by PhishInVa2

It feels like a gay thing to do but its smart


You can also just do a sitewide search of Reddit for "cumia" or "faggot" and you'll find us pretty easily. I also think I'm subbed to just about every offshoot we have. If anybody wants a list let me know

I think i got most but if it’s easy go ahead and DM me one (if you dont want it public)

Yeah I'll dm you. Figure it's best to do it that way since Joe or whoever might start bitching to admins about them

I googled gay wrist twirl bursting gut

Wow that's pretty specific I'm surprised you were able to find us that way

Send a list to moo.. I mean me.

Just search Reddit for "bovine" and "squirter"

Not gay. If you only have your 15m Panera trucker break it's practical to check your extra special friends first. Lost a lot of the best posters since 3 subs ago tho. But they're in my prayers.