Heard you all need an enforcer on your side...

23  2019-08-16 by lolercakesmcgee


Big Gay Jokerson

Nu Metal is for faggots and queers.

Can confirm, still like Korn, am faggot queer

If I need to put a hit on a bag of donuts I'll give him a call

How embarrassing

What a fucking fool

That shaved beard line trying to fake a chin will always make me laugh.

He's got a pointy chin then it's all neck from there

What's going on with The Bonfire? Soder is never on anymore, and it's always "The Lost Tapes" or Jay's annoying girlfriend (hole) talking. How is it still on?

Soder is on Billions now and has to go film sometimes.

Soder is touring in Europe at the moment.

Hefty Jason Oakerland