Is there a way to get Joe permanently IP banned from reddit?

33  2019-08-16 by SpaceCaseBassFace

I've had it with him. Getting the subs shut down wasnt a huge deal to me because well always regroup. But going after beige was over the line. Given how many of you are on your millionth alt account I'd assume reddit never bans anyone by their IP but I figured I'd ask.


I think it's way funnier to imagine Joe celebrating getting the sub banned only to see all of us back on a new sub doing the same thing 15 minutes later.

Imagine him strutting into leatherface's room to tell her about his grand victory. He turns to leave, she rolls her eyes, then he pulls out his phone, searches his name on Reddit, and finds this sub. His shoulders sink, his head drops and he stomps back into the other room as Leatherface tries to contain her laughter long enough to find the new sub.

what the longest a sub has survied they really hate white people


I think it's way funnier to imagine Joe celebrating getting the sub banned only to see all of us back on a new sub doing the same thing 15 minutes later.

Then imagine this cycle repeating six times in one year and you have Joe's actual life.

Why would he have a static IP address?

I'm only 16, I dont know dick about the internet.

Have you never heard of a VPN? Lordy..

I have but Joe certainly hasn't. Also as I said before, I'm just a racist 16 year old boy who doesnt know dick about the internet.

I bet he can CTRL + ALT + DEL out of that ban.

Have you never heard of The Red Glare?

Vurry good. you ever heard of a charitable Jew

Joe is too dumb for that

The guy who brought his computer to geek squad to remove malware has absolutely no idea what a VPN is.

Brotha sayid somethin there

Cow brain wouldn't even know where to get one.

brother joe isn't the person getting the sub shut down, it is the haters doing it!

its (((amy schumer))) she must hate us so much rember it scalled "parrel thinking"

What did you eat for dinner last night?

I think we need a subpoena for that.

He'd go to the library just to prove how little he cares about us

I'll host beige docs on here, I already have one up


I think it's funnier to get banned and regroup because everytime a sub gets shutdown he goes on twitter and facebook and gloats about it. He looks retarded every time he brags about beating the trolls, then complains about trolls a week later.

hes taking credit for amy schumer what a loser glad he cant get a gig for his 5th rate cover band lol anthonys got to be runing out of money by now especally after hiring Artie long island trash

why is the whole world against white people the harpa redit is extreamly racist but this sub is "toxic" fuck the jews

Joe reads this and thinks we’re trying to ban his intelektual proparty

Trying to defeat the internet only makes it worse. I learned that in 1999. Moo Cow never did.