James Randi Has Passed Away ....

1  2019-08-26 by yabbadabbadough

... is what I would say had he, in fact, passed away. Which he hasn't. What I will say is that September through the forseeable future, you can catch funnyman Joe DeRosa picking through garbage cans looking for bottles to deposit in a nigger-infested "neighborhood" near you! Also, James Hefner is a pedophile faggot.


Look at me I disproved a psychic with the power of my logic.

He's one of Gervais' heroes. That's all I need to know about him.

He seems like a chill old fag. I wish I could kick Gervais out of a flying plane

Is this dude actually invincible? He's a 91 year old homosexual who should be inciting the wrath of God on a near-daily basis

He destroyed the career of a spoon-bending Zionist. This pleases the lord.

The enemy of my enemy is still a queer

should just hijack a truck of qrt pounders and dump them on 1600 penn ave