did George Carlton inspire you to do this as well, faggot?

1  2019-08-26 by HARVEST_AREA


Gayer than Danny Ross after a visit to the Compound after work.

Be careful, Danny Ross is protected here...

Ask AntH - no one is protected.

No he's not.

Danny stinks.

This guy thinks he is much more interesting than he is. Even people who watch his shitty podcast dom’t like him

Not funny

"You'd Be Surprised"

Aaaand puuuuunt

This queer should have been drummed out of the business for fucking up Carlin’s name, let alone his open mic level standup act. He probably sucked some powerful dick for that comedy special.

His 15 minutes are almost up.

can't wait for the wheels to fall of that shortbus

They must be as his own fan base turned on him.

O&A 2.0

He fucks Joe Rogan

I assumed that was how it works for all of Rogan’s circle.

I used to defend Schaub here. But after seeing Beiges doc and how thin skinned he is about people making making fun of him.. Fuck that guy.

Why would you ever defend Schaub anywhere? You some type of retarded queer or something?

You just answered your own question

Why would you have ever defended that talentless faggot?