Joe’s entire political philosophy is based on rugged individualism, with an emphasis on traditional family values and limited government interference in the economy.

1  2019-08-26 by RED_FORK

In actuality he; never had a real job, has copied more successful musician’s art (including the way they dress), is divorced, collects welfare, uses his little brother’s success as a metric to judge his own accomplishments, is a deadbeat dad, uses the copyright system as a way to settle petty arguments on the internet, is a faggot.


no no you don't understand. The Cumia's want America to go back to Traditional Family Values like doing cocaine with your mom and not being there when she dies

What an abomination the cumias are

Surely they'd be against degeneracy like sex outside of marriage or whacking off to kiddy porn?

Both perfectly legal according to Joe.

Has to be the right 14.

Drinking with your Dad, fighting outside of bars, and getting molested by Mexican ranch-hands

Tbf those are pretty transitional

Yeah, you learn a lot about yourself in those sorts of moments.

you really think a working mexican would want to touch a dirty cumia from the east? that story is a lie just like the cumia name buncha lying sissy faggots. Dawn is just as bad dont understand why she gets a pass but all cumias are faggots.

She visited her mush-brained mother when her two loser brothers refused to see her.

Dawn seems like a saint with the garbage surrounding her

The Cumias like a woman that can take a few broken ribs or a frying pan to the face.

Also sold drugs, freebased cocaine with his mother and hit his wife in the face with a frying pan. Traditional values, folks

Joe doesn't care about conservative values. He just votes GOP because blacks all vote Dem, and Joe hates black people. If this were the 1930s when the Democrats were the party of the KKK, Joe would be voting for FDR and mooing about how great it is that the govt wants to put everyone on welfare.

The Moo Deal

He has no real political view. He just listens to his brother and tries to be louder about it.

How pathetic is it to look up to your little brother?

Remember when his twitter pic was a shot of him aiming a rifle because Anthony's pic at the time was of him aiming a rifle? "Look mom, I'm just like AntH!" Let's see if we can list them all:

He calls his house "Compound East"

Started a podcast because his brother had one, even subtitling it "Guilty by association".

Went all in on the nickname "Brother Joe" even naming his "business" "Brother Joe Entertainment", before we ruined that for him.

And of course the biggest fish, collecting a monthly check from Tony instead of getting a fucking job. He lives off of the money that his baby fucking brother gives to him. Is there another (alleged) human this devoid of shame?


When he was suspended on twitter his second account was joecumiaxyz because his little brother's was anthonycumiaxyz. Not joking.

And in spite of having a young daughter of his own he seems to have no problem with Uncle Ant's constant reminders that he wants to fuck underage girls.

Joe is a self hating Sicilian nigger.

At least they are God fearing Christians

These two degenerates would be lynched if they moved to the Deep South with the “real Americans” that they revere. Anthony is an atheist, tranny fucking, pro-abortion, New York dago, and Joe is merely your run of the mill faggot. I’m sure there would be high demand for a U2 tribute band in Birmingham, Alabama.

You cant argue facts.

His entire political philosophy is based on simply being the opposite of liberals. Same with Anthony. Their entire philosophy and world view is literally as simple as that. Whenever they are presented with an issue, their stance on it is automatically determined. They will very passionately defend their position on a topic even before they really understand what any of it actually means, and without ever bothering to do any bit of research in to it.

There is no real philosophy or logic guiding them, so you can't expect any type of consistency with the things they do and say. It's these types of mindless idiots that are literally destroying this nation. It doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum they happened to have landed on.

And Anthony drinks and gambles to excess, ignores and disdains traffic laws, hits women and never misses an opportunity to tell anyone in earshot that he desperately wants to fuck underage girls.