U/RamonFrunkis: Joe didn’t listen. Now might be a good time to follow up on what you threatened you would do.

1  2019-08-26 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Joe has no legal leg to stand on, and his bovine idiocy is unfairly mucking up the works of a trans-friendly community again.

If you think you can bury him, do it.


LOL, you think that is a real lawyer.

u/RamonFrunkis said he's retained a lawyer, not that he is a lawyer, dumbass.



I'm only 16, I don't know dick about internet slang

I'm only 16, I don't know dick about internet slang.


Alabama represent! Birmingham Alabama checking in. Big ass card holder 3452. Oh wait wrong show. I miss Fez. It's a shame Sam Roberts tortured him until he quit.

Yeah Ramon he DMCA'D a video i posted of James Ashley Hefner wtf brah?

Be a hero of the sub and do something U/ramonfrunkis