When I get baker acted for suggesting alphabet companies and agencies are fucking with me, please show the judge this screengrab as proof that I am not delusional

15  2019-08-25 by ants_ccw_permit


My dr: so you're saying a bunch of glowniggers are trying to convince you that some chick is wife material... that sounds a little far fetched

Maybe she is wife material after all.

Hush your mouth

She's definitely wife material.

She most definitely is not

Lmao is glownigger a racial slur against whites?

Try agaib

the only engagement either of them deserve is with a mortician.

the only engagement either of them deserve is with a mortician.

Free blowjobs today?

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These are personalized ads as your browser (likely chrome) picks up on what you type into it (which mostly is variants of "wife material").

They're tracking your every move