James Hefner runs his cosplay groups like a “military operation” but he can’t get his daughter to school on time

94  2019-08-25 by WuTang4Evaaaa


I think this James Hefner feller's a lying cock sucker.

He probably does like to lie down while he does that.

If he doesn't have the basic self-discipline to stick to a diet and exercise program; I doubt he has it anywhere else in his life.

Are you telling me people who haven't worked a job in 40 years are weak-willed?

its TraditIONal ARMY value to BE late FOR everyTHING Libtard!

James Hefner (allegedly) has been busy visiting his daughter's friends to drain their salivary glands.

Maybe like the Iraqi military. The Washington Generals of the world

The Generals actually won once.

In the school of hard knocks there are no bells except for the ones you ring.

James Hefner allegedly drinks a gallon of child spit a day. He allegedly collects it from his child sex trafficking victims. I heard all of this from the Liberal news media.

Some chew cod and some are gay, stories that are very deranged weird moos

What about his other three kids? Do they get to school on time?

They're all "sexy" girl groups. I'm starting to think that TF is a bit of a pervert... AND he clearly has a U2 fetish.

Does that mean JH hangs out with such perverts like.. TF and JH?

That first video had a niggas ribs hurtin' TADAY!

If there is a guy actually named James Hefner, he needs to hire M.

Operation Dessert Fat

Having been in the military, I'm unfailingly embarrassed when I hear from former E-4s taking about how things were in the military.

First, their role was to show up and do what they're told. No thinking, planning, or leadership involved. They never led, they just carried out what some fellow GED recipient told them to do. Rare indeed is the leader who lets the lowest level people in on the grand purpose or where they fit in.

Second, it's a profession in which there aren't just career-impacts to not following directions, but legal consequences. They can fuck your life up temporarily or even permanently if you're derelict, stupid, or especially Cumia-like.

Joe wouldn't know what an actual top to bottom military operation looks like, and if he did, he'd quickly realize that the way he experienced it doesn't transfer well into the civilian world.

I'm pretty sure the only reason he was there in the first place was to avoid jail time.

Hi pretty sure the only reason he was there in the first place was to avoid jail time., I'm dad.

Eat a fucking dick. Imagine being such a faggot that you'd sit down and code this.