Reminder that this sub did irreparable damage to Joe’s cosplay bands. Don’t let that lying piece of shit tell you different.

57  2019-08-23 by JOE_CUMIA_IS_A_LOSER

The fat racist fuck can’t even perform under his own name and has to rely on gigs from Riotcast who he only has a connection to because of (who would’ve guessed) his little brother Anthony.

We’re not done you old loser.


u/KillaKuhn will be delighted to hear of this when he’s released in 6 months.

Did his appeal come through?

/u/ants_ccw_permit is already preparing herself to fuck him the minute this dude comes out the joint

Good girl.
If I fly over and beat up Collen Cumia at his next mall gig can I get a dance with that munkey u/Ants_ccw_permit ?

Wait, wtf is this?

Apparently Joe's new alias when it comes to 'business.' I just found it today and thought the sub knew about it already. This guy is how he books 'The U2 Show' and 'The Journey Show.'

Make a new post with this info so it is seen by all.

Dude, seriously make a full post about this. This is brand new info and hilarious.


Trandma said we cost him "thousands", but probably had to exaggerate out of embarrassment considering a bunch of comp'd sandwiches & red Gatorades don't add up to much.

Given how fat joe is, id say the Gatorade bill alone would run into the thousands

Bet he wishes those imaginary private gigs were real now.
