This will never end, you bald potato peeling fruit. When the years of drug and alcohol abuse finally catch up to you, we will post pictures of your tombstone and someone will photoshop a cow grazing in front of it. Now go fuck yourself with AntH's egg.

49  2019-09-10 by 985x


Most importantly, once Joe is gone, nobody will care enough to flag the posts

This is what happens when you can't help but feed the trolls. Joe, one of these monsters is going to livestream taking a dump on your grave with the hashtag #feednana. You played yourself.

Joe's like Bubba from Forrest Gump except with potatoes instead of shrimp.

"You can cook em, fry em, slice em, dice em, you got potato chips, potato pie, potato soup, mashed potato, potato salad..."

Spit stew, spit salad, barbecue spit...

They drew first spud, not me

You know what they say, haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate.