Indians give off an odor that I consider off-putting and unpleasant.

1  2019-09-22 by JoesGobletofKidSpit

And that's before they step out to the sidewalk to take their morning shit.


They are the lowest beta males of any race. Even orientals are more masculine than them. Indian women (who are almost always either hot or complete dogs - nothing in between) openly drool over handsome white men like me. And Indian men instinctively always address us as "Boss." Frankly, it's embarrassing for everybody concerned.

This is true, however IMO it's mostly a work, as they're after our money and they know if they acted like the blacks or the Hispanics do they'd end up just like them. Asians do it too but they're not as good at it.

I leave near some and they're fucking weird. I'll go two, three weeks without hearing a single peep from them then out of nowhere at 10PM on a Sunday night forty of them will suddenly pile into a 2 bedroom apartment with music and babies screaming and the men chattering away furiously in that stupid language, it's the goddamndest thing you've ever seen. No matter how many times you yell at them the men are exceedingly polite and the women are terrified of any interactions. Not the kids, though, they're oddly normal, relatively speaking.

That shit they eat, though, is the devil's own brew. When grandma starts boiling up a pot of that monkey meat the whole neighborhood dives for the windows. It smells like Joe Cumia slathered in fish broth and peanut oil.

Ya know I've actually noticed that as well. Those Indians should really do something about that.

they do. A notch worse than Alabamans and Cumtown faggots

Don't get too comfortable just because you're at the higher end of the smelly brown person hierarchy, you hairy, goat fucking Persian