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1  2019-09-23 by rodneymunch87

Still fun trying to be a pest?


Give it time, some of us have lunch with Milla Jovovich

Only Tha Realest Niggaz is here

If that’s what you have to tell yourself

I don't think I like your tone, pal.

Haha whatever helps us sleep at night, right bud?! Fuckin nailed him

Enjoy listening to Jim and Sam tomorrow wishing it’d be like the good ol days

No one fucks with that unlistenable dreck

Sure you don’t.

Do your Dice impression

No one listens to it, let alone enjoys it

Right. I’m sure you find a way to complain about each segment though

I couldnt tell you about a single segment since Colin was on last, but thats not your point

I’m sure you couldn’t. Just give up. And listen tomorrow as you always do.

This is hilarious, fair play if this is a bit

He answers with "Right." Just like Anth.

Who would ever listen to that

And yet, here you are. We must still have some charm after all

I like seeing others fall into disrepair and then have a heart attack at 44

Plenty of self esteem then

Don't worry, Fred. I'm sure your heart attack is coming soon too

If this is Fred, this speaks volumes about the people antH surrounds himself with.

Im cracking up here, this is hilarious



Hoo hoo tell em fred

I imagine it is somebody like that. Who else even cares enough to do this? I did a quick glance through his post history, and most of his posts in r/tacn are him bitching about us. It's pure faggotry.

You didn't like it when your mom fell into disrepair though. It scared you worse than spaghetti sliding down the wall, because you know you'll share the same fate.

Didn't even visit Fat Fred in the hospital when he was dying from having putrid armpit sepsis. Some friend. Some son you turned out to be.

Aaaah, looks like another child spit connoisseur.

Oh these same old wise comebacks again? Weren’t those good like 5 subs ago?

They'll be good for a few more

Is your pedo comeback the next one? Or are you done?

No, I've got all night, thanks

Why yes, now that you mention it. I hear tell that you and Anthony have been file sharing. Is that how you got your seat at the poker table?

Still worshiping your idol Ant. Wanting to be at his poker table? Really?

You're the one defending his honor here and licking his balls on r/TACN, Fred.

Why would anyone want to be associated with what he brings? Why would you?

A classic never goes out of style, also it must be true. Only a fellow kid fucker would defend the Cumia name.

Aww that’s it?

Like a certain Veteran, I have no job and don’t spend a moment on any of my 4 kids. I got all night baby boy.

Tell us which fat boomer you are. Is it Joe? Fred? Sleeveless Mother Shucker?

It's Wet Brain, I'm sure of it.

No one is trying to be a pest stupid

Which retard is this?

You're a tacs subscribing faggot

At least I'm not fat. Ham cubes with whole fatty mayo, six times a day. That's my secret.

This has to be Anth. Only he is corny enough to think "Rodney Munch" is a funny name. He was a doctor on Beavis & Butthead. You know, like the cat he named Beavis?

Shut up, Anth.

Shouldn't you be posting in that ghost town r/TACN?

No-ones interested cunt, get fucked.

You people are too easy.

Get a clean script, you've got nothing

What, you don't think his "no you are" comebacks are hysterical?

I do, but not for the intended reason

Management is extremely happy with the direction of this bit