Current status of the fan community

1  2019-09-22 by TurningFrogsGay


And Joe Cumia is the U.S. military thinking they can stop any of this shit

He definitely smiled reading this. Take it back

I understand the point you want to make, but don’t mention those 2 in the same sentence unless you’re accusing him of stolen valor.

You're giving him far too much credit

Ehhhh we'll figure it out

Seriously though. Lebanon should be partition among ethnic and religious lines to prevent a future civil war.

I agree. It's the only thing that makes sense.

Diversity is a strength, bucko.

Say that to the Austro Hungarian Empire.

Or to Israel.

This glosses over the fact that they’re perfectly cool with fighting each other as separate countries. Minus Hezbollah and Syrian influence, which is another way of saying Iran, Lebanon’s cooled off over the last 10 years.

With a sizable Shia population, if any conflict occurs, expect a war between Iranian back Shias, Saudi backed Sunnis with Druze and Christians breaking off.

Basically the same scenario when Opie and Ant split.

Lebanese people don't generally want to be anything other than Lebanese. With the exception of some pan-Arabists, they're largely content to carve out their pieces of the country, then fight over how big their group's share is.

People who still like the show disgust me

That chipson shit still getting views, disgusting

the only one i really hate are olive green. they fucking ruined this whole thing. it's not funny and caring about him is cringe. as long as they try to run a sub there's nothing lost if they keep getting shut down

johnnycakes and his "direction" is annoying as fuck. the gay, emotional "lets work together to keep the reddit admins happy" and all the fags upvoting those threads were so fucking cringe. don't even really hate him, it's like, GO AWAY already

You have no fucking clue how many messages I got asking me to ban you when you were "deep_legal_shit" and I never did. Tons of people hate you and SRP and his thousand alts but don't confront you out loud about it because they see what obsessed fucking stalkers you are and don't want you following them around too. You never even talk about anything related to O&A. Why the fuck do you care about these subs?


i honestly don't hate you (dont even know much about you), but like i said the "direction" you take it, forget about it. i self-banned. just stopped showing up. and people asking for a ban when they can easily block me are obviously emotionally hurt by me.

You never even talk about anything related to O&A. Why the fuck do you care about these subs?

ive been in ona for years, only sub i used for a while. Jim was brought up by nick mullen recently and lots of good old boys started posting in coomtown just the other day.

PS, i got Pat Duffy together with Porsalin to do that interview. don't you try to imply i don't post about ona, bitch

"SamRobertsPhiltrum". Hundreds of alts and one of the psychopath losers who got the forum shut down for posting CP.

We had relatively decent rapport with the admins and they left us alone and let us get away with a lot of shit for a long time until Joe figured out how to fuck everything up with DMCAs, and he had help from that extremely mentally ill SRP moron.

And I was never the only mod who did anything. I was just a lightning rod for all of the bullshit and took it.

"SamRobertsPhiltrum". Hundreds of alts and one of the psychopath losers who got the forum shut down for posting CP.

“For” or “by”? Because if it’s the former, then I’m right there with him.

He posted it hoping to get the forum shut down because he didn't like having any rules. As always, he has to ruin everyone else's fun if he can't post whatever he wants. Notice the faggot never sets up his own subs and forums. It's not fun for him unless he can do whatever he can to make everyone else miserable.

God you're a faggot and sound exactly like Spaceedge. Every shitty mod has this same "I did it for the good of the community, I wasn't the only one deleting stuff I was the fall guy" cry baby horse shit lie. YOU like deciding what other people get to say. YOU like deciding what the rest of the sub gets to see or find funny. Just fucking admit it. SRP can be a mentally ill obsessive psycho and you can be a power tripping, self important cocksucker at the same time. Both things can be true. There's a voting system to keep unfunny, overly racist, overly political or whatever shit downvoted. After that, your job as internet hall monitor is to delete kp and brigading threads, that's it.

You're wrong, and you're a tedious bore. Like I said, it worked for a long time because one of the mods I won't name was in regular contact with the admins and was banning people/removing content/setting rules at their requests to keep the sub from being banned. Then Reddit Legal got involved and bombarded with DMCAs and there was nothing we could do to save it anymore, and that's how it will be with every new sub going forward unfortunately, regardless of which "hall monitor" mod you have a retarded fucking vendetta with. You petulant tool.

Yup and then after the sub got banned anyway you continued enforcing your gay arbitrary little rules on every sub after that, for no other reason then it makes you feel like a big boy who makes big decisions. Every single one of you internet mod faggots is the same sniveling elitist personality type who use words like petulent and tedius because you think it's impressive and makes you look smart. It isn't and it doesn't. It reeks of the insecurity of a fat, delusional, friendless loser who thinks they're better than every one else and therefore should get to make decisions for them.

3 o'clock till 12 are where the real men are at. Nothing but gaping ass slammers from noon till 3

Half orange half olive here and hate the rest.

Its as complicated, and I couldnt care about it just as much

Im just here for loffs

The "People Who Hate JohnnyCakes" slice needs to be much much larger.

Nice IP ban, Faggot.

Did they really IP ban him?

Couldn't he just get around that with a VPN or something?

I'm not IP banned. He's an obsessed retard with a thousand alts.

Lol I didn't even notice that was the same dude.

Good to see you're still around though.

Thanks, you too. Several others were ip banned though. They're trickling back in. I think it might've been because they had multiple subs. I've only ever created one. Yeah, this supreme faggot needs a straight jacket and padded cell.

God hes still after you even after all that shit. Were all obsessive weirdos but srp is on a whole nother level. Dude posts under 3 or 4 alts in the same thread frequently. Ive completely lost track of them.

Yes, all the time. Sometimes he tries really hard to sound like a different person, but he always ends up giving himself away. My favorite is when he carries on conversations with himself with several alts. What an utter lunatic. That Emily retard does the same thing sometimes. All of the moderators on her sub are her alts, by the way. These people are severe nutcases.

My favorite is when he carries on conversations with himself with several alts. What an utter lunatic.

Sounds like a grade a faggot cumia.


You could, but it seems like a pain in the ass

Oh ok. I've never set one up so I don't know too much about them.

They're faggots. Set up an alt one day, taking cock in the ass the next