Just reposting this pic that fatso filed a DMCA complaint on. Guess he's really ashamed of what a disgusting cow he looks like.

58  2019-09-08 by fatty-patty-2


Holy shit even a zero-awareness fatso like Pattycakes would be ashamed of that. He looks like a sack of donut holes.

Stick a few pineapple rings to his face and he'd look exactly like a glazed ham.

Hickory Honey

sweet hickory honey child

RUM HAM, child

Hi /u/patrickstomlinson you fat chunk of shit!! File another one dummy.

/u/patrickstimlinson why did you block all of us on your Twitter and Instagram if you delight in our obscurity? You child abusing faggot.

I do believe he blocks everyone because he is a cowardly fatbody as well as an immature child that can't handle dissenting opinions.

He is a faggot as well. The fact that /u/patrickstomlinson will not reply confirms this.

it looks like account is deleted?

A political firebrand that blocked fucking Ben Shapiro lmao! He could've showcased his chops to millions of Shapiro's followers, and the fat pig got scared and blocked him instead!

What the fuck does he even know about space or science? He dropped out of community college and started one of his gay books with the sentence "It was a cold, dark night in SPACE". Fucking fat headed moron.

Those shadows can't hide those bizarre bass-like frowns at the corners of his mouth. Nice freakish facial features, Fatrick.

He should be

Get a load of Patso over here!

I'm a celebrity, child, enjoying my latest TV appearance on my 35" Samsung. That's right, children, Samsung. I just adore the way the vibrant colors bring life to my sweaty pallor.

If his child could have afforded a Vizio, he would have for sure ran that poor little mug over, then raped it post mortem.

I do make 6 figures, child - I just prefer to live in a shack and own an amusingly small television.

His hair is all moist from fat sweat

He really is just so gross.

This is so mean and juvenile and one of the funniest things I've ever read lol



Holy shit, that's a fucking grand slam if I've ever heard one. Got a nigga ribs.

I’m a fat pundit, child

Thought that was Jerry Lawler in his 60s at first. How do you look worse than an old, alcoholic wrestler at 65 as a sub-40 year old?

Lawler never drank alcohol in his life lol

That's interesting. Fatfag actually doesn't own this image. It's a picture of a television that is showing intellectual property owned by NASA tv. For him to DMCA this constitutes felony fraud punishable by years in prison.

He would probably treat prison as a badge of honor. He would love to be able to say "wrongfully imprisoned for trying to stop the nazis, child. That and all the assplay.

He looks like he’s in witness protection having his identity hidden

Nice lil mushroom picture, stupid

Hey now maybe his daughter drew it


Look at those dick sucking lips.

The following is a comment made by u/StuntPeckah in the removed thread about this pic. Some really insightful information that can no doubt be used to humiliate Patso for a long time to come:

Yes, this is called narrow lighting. In traditional portrait photography, it would be considered feminine and you generally wouldn't shoot a man with that lighting (you'd use broad lighting, with the light on the side of their face closest to the camera).

This is often done to a degree to make a person look thinner. Someone did a horrific job here but it was clearly an intentional choice to use such a hard shadow to create so much contrast.

This guy's "big moment" on cable and they intentionally blacked out half of his face. They did the best they could, I guess.


Take another look. In the example I linked, you can see that the model's head isn't turned as far from the camera as his, and also that on the model there is still plenty of light on both sides of the face.

For him they literally completely blacked out half his face.