Holy shit guys, one of our members was just arrested by Interpol and the Milwaukee police chief.

32  2019-09-04 by UnwarrantedArrogance

This is scary. I’m scared. He wasn’t lying we are all going down I suggest we CEASE AND DESIST IMMEDIATELY.!!.!


What's the cunt's name

It's too late. They already have the receipts on all of us.

Luckily, I've been prepared for this moment, I don't plan on being taken alive. There's no way I'm spending the rest of my life in Guantanamo, locked up in the "cyber bully" cell block.

Shut up JOE!

300 independent IP addresses on a spreadsheet. So this is the power of the Milwaukee PD.

My name is Joseph Cumia and I surrender. You can find me at the Big Apple Ranch (third stall on the left).

Holy shit. I’m starting to think this goes all the way to the god damn President.

I was just raped by sheriff David Clarke as a result of my trolling.

Former sheriff I should say....Wait, I wasn't questioning it before but can a former sheriff or police officer legally rape you for trolling a fat incel online? If not, boy am I embarrassed.

Sounds farfetched.

Don't worry they were just shutting down a pedo ring