REMINDER: Fat diabetic cuck Fred From Brooklyn almost got taken out by an ingrown armpit hair. Bad guy. SAD!

2  2019-09-19 by SpaceCaseBassFace


Learn how to properly wash yourself, with soap, you repulsive bacteria factory:

Who the fuck would share this on social media...

Did you ever have to sit next to that slob at the poker table? He looks like he smells like decomposition.

No. That's around the time I decided I didn't want to chill there anymore. Every time I was invited over all thee mutants would be there. I didn't want to hang out with a bunch of fans after the show all the time. It's annoying. TSSS TSSSS TSSSS CHIP? WASSAT????? That shit gets old really fast.

You think it was just a coincidence that every time you were invited over, so were all the other dunces?

It wasn't like that until 2012. Once it became Big A and Fred all the time I was done.

Why do you think it was? Alcoholic brain rot? Obama's re-election? Why the need for constant adoration from those freaks?

Probably a smart move for your health. Who knows what deadly abberant spores are growing on those creatures.

A Compound mutant.
