I'm Joseph Cumia's Brother Does Anyone Have Anything to Say to Me?

1  2019-09-19 by ripwillsmith


That's a lot of sharpies.

one to sign some books, three to shove up my ass. HA HO-LEE-SHIT!

Still hilarious....

By the looks of it, no one was even there to say anything.

The number of people who lined up to have a booked signed matched the number of protesters: 3.

Truly his most pathetic and embarrassing moment.

And that’s counting the time he got fucked in the ass by an trans.

Hugging himself like a battered housewife.

So many markers, so little attendance...

Man, he really looks like shit.

He doesn't smell great either

“I swear im rly happy with the way things are going. Cant you tell by my huge smile?”

If I smile with my teeth...

He has more sharpies than sexual encounters with adults.

"Anthony who-mia? What book? Oh...that fucking guy? Ugh, shit, I dunno, just get that shitty table from the stockroom and set it up by the emergency exit or something, away from the customers and the front entrance."

Yeah, what does Sue's cock taste like?

He teaches his girlfriends to write in cursive with those sharpies.