Emotionally abusuve pussyhound Marc Maron: "A conversation needs to happen around men's struggle to be woke.”

40  2019-04-03 by SchumersStolenJokes


Honestly, he is a good interviewer. And works surprisingly well with Norm. But his politics and standup fucking suck.

Yeah I checked out his stand up because I liked his O&A appearances and it did stink but his podcast (I’ve only listened to guests I’m interested in) is good

He works well with Norm because it’s very clear Norm doesn’t like his ‘comedy’

Norm literally told him he is a better "broadcaster" than comedian. He said something like "do you think you're a better broadcaster or standup? Cuz I know which one it is."

Every chick I ever fucked wanted to fuck Marc Maron

I still don’t get it

He’s Donald Sutherland in Animal House

thats so on point

also the guy who gets his guitar smashed is pretty apt as well

Stop picking up women in the lactation rooms at Wilco concerts.

i fuck junkies and crazy girls

dont diss my modus operandi

Ya know what I fucked one that was a bit of both who actually told me she ”dated” Maron🤔

ive fucked/dated chicks who fucked d-list comics before, its not that far fetched

underrated comment


God damn you hit a home run with this comment. So much so I want to say fuck you but with as few upvotes as it's getting I just can't.

It’s his status as the thoughtful comedian who interviewed Obama

this is way before that

why do you think the first feminist pres went on his podcast

Ok so he’s always been a successful fag with feminine ideologies. I bet if Patton Oswalt was skinny and a little taller, girls would want to fuck him too

i dont see why are you think id disagree with that statement

Skinny? You let the mask fall, fatty. Girls do not like skinny guys. They like fit guys. They’ll look past skinny nearly as fast as fatty.

Only if your face is ugly.

I’m in the top 1% of males in terms of facial attractiveness. Always have been. It wasn’t until I started lifting weights that I started turning heads. (Fame/wealth matter to women even more though).

hot as fuck bruh pm me a pic of your gorgeous face

you seem fat

That’s what I just said to you, idiot. But since we’re on the topic, I’m two inches taller than Joe and 60 lbs lighter. You?

6'0 175

FWIW I live in hipster central and agree with you.

I feel like he’s opening himself up for some kind of accusation to come out.

Tbh, I thought one already did.

Can we please just stop saying "woke" everytime I hear it I get a rash and uncontrollable douche chills.

i used to think woke meant you were aware of the juden and whatnot but apparently it's the opposite in someways lol, also that rash is aids-related, good luck my man

It's not aids related I've had that for years and the medication is pretty good nowadays I'll probably outlive you at this point.

It's both fam. It's both.

That's what redpilled means.

But I know how you feel. I initially thought alt right was just conservatives but they have tattoos and listen to heavy metal and shit. Turns out it's Nazis.

alt-right was mostly "just conservatives" at one point. Then turned into something far gayer (than just conservatives) and went straight boring Stromfronty neo-nazi after some time.

Then everyone who was associated with alt-right originally got retroactively associated with the Stormfront guys. Which gave them tons of clout, which helped them recruit more people to the (actual) far-right.

Had they kept these guys in the fringes I'm sure they would have stayed there.

This fairy doesn't understand what men go through either, seeing as he's never worked a day in his life.

This is mostly garbage but Maron did say 2 things that I agree with:

Things happen so quickly that it seems impossible to have a dialogue

This is the problem with social media and the modern news cycle, although the solution is not to become a woke faggot, as Maron seems to imply

The other thing he said that I agree with is "I've been an asshole"

Dialog seems like what (((certain))) folk want to do to curate and prune a narrative. People feel what they feel, and a group of people who've lived in the same communities for millennia, will probably feel the same feels on average. Just my two cents.

There's some dumb ideas about dialogue as it relates to power differences and critical theory and intersectionality and all that shit by gender-studies types, and I agree that sort of "dialogue" is pointless, but I think Maron's point about things moving too fast to have any kind of discussion is a big reason these narratives get pushed in the first place. There's a point where "agree to disagree" isn't productive, because that gives the other side more credence than it deserves.

Like if some retard says "you can be morbidly obese and just as healthy and attractive as a normal person" and you say "why would you say something that retarded, prove it," that's also dialogue. But because things move so fast on social media you get retards (or malicious non-retards) throwing out assertions without having to justify them and then other retards start to believe it too.

How does one have a dialogue with people that want you dead?

Dialogue isn't about finding a "middle ground." It's about which position is right (which sometimes is the middle ground, but probably not). Like there is no middle ground in the fat example I gave, if you are really fat you are unhealthy and unattractive.

The response to people trying to kill you is obviously not dialogue, you try to kill them back, but that's pretty obvious and I'm not entirely sure what point you're trying to make by talking about it

Male/female relations advice by a man who can't keep a marriage healthy for longer than 4 years.

Anyone who uses “woke” in any non-ironic way should immediately be beaten to death with a wooden bat. Not an aluminum bat, a wooden one. So everyone can enjoy the sound.

Spoken like a true Norton clone. You sound like the dark, brooding type

You don’t know what I sound like, retard. You read one thing I wrote and decided you could dismiss it by equating it with Norton. Well, have at it. I stand by name statement, woke-fag.

HEY, YOU USED THE WORD WO.....ohhhhh, you used it ironically!!

The Mexican cartels call it "La Paleta." It's a favored method of torture.

Marc has "woken" right into early 20's pussy. Smooth move Marc Maron, sensitive comic

‘Hey buddy, maybe you should re-think that – that’s not the greatest way to behave’

Hey buddy, maybe you should go fuck yourself, faggot.

He struggles with it every day, pestering 18 year old girls about how wracked with concern be is over it and by the way do you know I'm kinda famous.

Okay, so how many children has he raped do you think? His #metoo shit is about to be exposed and he's projecting onto all other men.

Okay, so how many children has he raped do you think?

On a scale of 1-to-Tomlinson?

His ex wives all agree he's emotionally abusive.

"A conversation needs to happen about men not automatically bowing down to every trendy bullshit issue that women latch onto."

"It’s about taking responsibility for maybe not having the right lens about what women go through in the world"

I could not give less of a fuck "what women go through in the world". Marc Maron is a faggot I bet you money his insecurity is the product of his suppressed homosexuality.


Unless you have the guts to criticize the Jews, you have no place saying you are enlightened.

Countless extremely high IQ people throughout history become deeply anti Semitic and rightfully so.

"Generally speaking, it’s not second nature for menJews to be empathetic."

Projecting Jewish faggot.

I want to punch him right in his fake glasses/nose/mustache disguise.

its a truly genius maneuver to use the term derived from being awakened to mean believing the lies.

orwell would have shit on his balls to have come up with that.

Rapist,with a guilty complex.

He likes high school girls because when he gets older, they stay the same age.

Only our parents say "woke" now. Pretty soon no one will say it anymore. Hang in there.


Is that a fuckin painted on Groucho mustache? That’s the most ridiculous thing I ever heard.

hot as fuck bruh pm me a pic of your gorgeous face