"I like Hermione. It sounds like 'heinie' and she's got a cute heinie." —Then 43-year-old Anthony talking about a 13-year-old Emma Watson

221  2019-03-31 by wwendell

Nice love of boyish underage girls, stupid.


She has to be the right 13 - AntH on how he prefers his 13 year olds to look like 10 year olds

The RIGHT 13? Someone chemically castrate this fucker.

anywhere outside the first world, this old ghoul would be chemically castrated

Or married to a 13 year old.

He's not of a high enough social status to get 8 year olds like his peers in the Islamic world. He gets the old maids.

He'd being fucking kids for sure, as in young goats.


Except he wouldn't

Yeah seriously. If we were a third-world country he'd have a haram of child brides.

Or knifily castrated and then stabbed and burned

I watched a LiveLeak where some African dude had an enormous rock tied around his dick and was suspended and shaken about for raping a 13 year old. I suppose they don't fuck around.

Not all cultures get everything wrong

worth it

What do you mean. He would have a statue at Mecca

Except for the Middle East

He said it on the radio.

The man unabashedly lusts after children.

There was a point where I actually called myself a fan of this piece of shit. Lol wtf

The episode was from July 2007 (I believe), when Emma Watson was 18 years old. I don't see the issue.

Oh you and all your technical jargon!

Antwan Kumiyya

He needs to be buried under the prison.

Oh yeah like no one here was wondering how hot she would actually get when she finally grew up

Can you even read? Where does it say Anthony wondered how hot she would be LATER? He was lusting after her ass THEN, you dumb fuck. Try to keep up with the group.

I did but in my defense I was 14 at the time.

I'm kinda with you Jim. I'm Emma's exact Age, so it's normal for me and you to think she might be hott.

I thought she was flat chested and annoying. I preferred Jennifer Love Hewitt, Tiffani Amber Thiessen, Kirsten Dunst, and Zenon girl of the 21st century when I was 13.

Nice generic stereotype teenage crushes, stupid

Not everyone beat off to Zenon

Who was your fave?

I liked Alyssa Milano myself.

Ew, that fugly psycho broad. I was more into fuckable women, like JLo

You young folks and your easily accessible porn and what not.

JLO compared to Milano? Of course.

JLO>Sofia Veraga.

When I’m laying in my deathbed (which will be soon, inshallah) and thinking about what I hated most about the internet, it will be that roughly decade-long period from like 2001-2010 when people wouldn’t shut. the. fuck. up about Emma Watson.

do you remember that even worse era where people wouldn't shut up about the olson twins? "the olson twins are turning 18!!! YEAH!!!" what the fuck?

""the olson twins are turning 18!!! YEAH!!!"

You wouldn't have a staple of hack radio without that being said.

That was a chunk of the WNEW era in a nutshell. Ant’s lust for children was always apparent. It was merely hidden under the guise of shock jockery.

I feel like an asshole for overlooking that aspect to be honest.

In a Time magazine article around 2001, I remember Ant got goofed on due to his only line the article quoted being “Look how hot they’re getting! And that’s an old picture.”

A lot of people acting like there wasn't a Miley Cyrus countdown

She is pretty hot. Too bad that is negated by her insufferable politics and virtue signalling.


We heard you

Nice hashtag stupid

She was 13 when the movie came out. She was 9 when they filmed it.


Anthony should have a bolt shot through his head like a cow.

no country for old nana

Anthony should have a bolt shot through his head like a Joe.

That didn't work for his brother, he survived

You think they made a massive movie and then sat on it for 4 years? She was 13 when she made the third one.

You obviously don’t know shit about the movie industry. The new Avengers was actually filmed in 2016.

It would have taken 30 years to complete that series if they spent 4 years on every movie you idiot.

I mean, it is not like they will film sequels together to save time or anything.

Yeah, that's why they look the same in every movie.

They started making the first movie in 1999. She was born in 1990. That's 9 years.

Ant following in the footsteps of his ancestor Muhammad.

The clues were always there.

Good work, Columbo

He has said a lot of disturbing shit on the radio. Not all of it I heard or heard live but I honestly can’t believe SiriusXM let him get away with that and wouldn’t fire him immediately.

He was playing a "character" like Mr. Imus.

I'm starting to think anthony might be a pedophile

We're forgetting the time he gushed over how much he wanted to fuck the girl from Lazy Town, an 11/12 year old. Don't remember what show or clip it's on but it's out there somewhere.

Fuck, that is bad. I remember that now.

And you thought this was hilarious and knew it was a gag

Have an upvote. You are absolutely correct.

Ant always loved swiping some fresh fruit roll up lil girl poop off his sicilian vienna sausage.

He'd being fucking kids for sure, as in young goats.

Not all cultures get everything wrong

worth it