Where we at with Primus?

14  2019-03-26 by C_Hodes


I've only heard "My name is mud". Good stuff

Christian Bale is great in the music video.

ME: I'm all in with the Primus. I was watching a video of them doing a whole set on some tv show called Week In Rock in 1989 earlier today. Vurry good stuff. Deep cuts like John the Fisherman and Too Many Puppies, brotherman.

They're great live.

Saw them recently with Mastodon. They insisted on playing the new album in it's entirety. It wasn't bad, but the album itself was boring so the set was boring. Would love to see them indoors where I don't have to smell shitty vape and weed odors and them playing a stronger set list because they did sound damn good live.

Saw them on this tour as well. They played a normal set up top and closed with the new album.

They're NOT great live. Les Claypool is a fuckin asshole and a crybaby and a total diva. He's as bad as the guy from At The Drive In, he's never not bitching at the crowd or the fans for something. He's the worst.

They suck.

Not a fan. Les Claypool is the man, though.

Primus sucks

He said it! He said the thing!!! XD

A shittier version of Rush

Are you fucking kidding me? I'm Canadian and I'll say this: aside from Neil Peart, Rush fucking blows.

I'm American (and therefore better than you) and I think Rush is just swell.

Are you a pop culture icon and legend of the stage and screen? I didn't think so.

Abe Vigoda looked like he fucked kids. And he was never in anything with Mel Gibson. Fuck him.

Mods, ban this cocksucker.

No, mods, don't listen to him!

If Norton had been born 10 years later, Primus would be his favorite band.

I like primus, but ween and mr bungle always been where it's really at. Think there's a lot of overlap between fans of those bands.

It's so dumb that people associate "weird" as a genre. Primus, Ween and Mr. Bungle can barely be compared between each other musically outside of being abnormal. I am a huge Bungle fan and would want to peel someones face off when they would recommend horseshit like Darth Vegas, Tub Ring or Dog Fashion Disco. Just simple minded associations.

When i was in highschool i liked dog fashion disco because i was reccomended to listen to them. Still think they have some decent songs but they're nothing compared to bungle. Def check out estradasphere though, pretty sure members also play gor secret chiefs 3. I would prefer to categorize some of these bands as creative without bounds rather than "weird". fags who like shit like korn probably like it because it's "weird". Mr. Bungle fans can be pretty gay too though.

I got to see Estradasphere a few times in the early 2000s. So good live.

I saw Secret Chiefs open for Dead Crops most recently this year. Their new drummer was fucking incredible. Another amazing live act.

Estradasphere is exactly what I am talking about with bad recommendations. Great musicians but they fucking suck as songwriters. Genre hopping for the sake of it instead of it being utilized to create something good is what separates Bungle from the imitators and lesser thans. Secret Chiefs is a great band and Trey Spruance is a great musician. His hired guns are not the reason for that.

Well I consider buck fever to be one of my favorite albums of all time. I haven't actually listened to their, other work because It always just makes me wanna listen to buck fever. I can see how their formula could run a bit thin, but I really do love that album. They also do great work with Trey so I really respect them. I don't concern myself with individual songs in regard to buck fever.

It is probably just a pet peeve of mine, but there is just this misunderstanding in my opinion that skill and diversity means talent and creativity. One song that bounces between flamenco, reggae and metal doesn't mean it is a good song, it just means they can play the most basic imitation of three genres. Estradasphere was a very skilled band whose songs and intimate knowledge of individual genres was lacking I believe.

I don’t think the venn diagram intersection of homophobes and Bungle fans is very big, but there you are.

Who has ever been scared of a faggot?

Where did this bigoted question even come from?

You said I was a homophobe? I AM NOT AFRAID!

also get out of this sub FAGGOT!

What happened to you? I can't imagine being this way is satisfying for you.

Your post history mentions being "really scared of raising a decent kid".

I'm currently working on raising decent kids and one of the most important things is modeling decent behavior.


why would i ever engage with some faggot online? blocked

The first dog fashion disco song I heard I liked. I then listened to all their other shit and it’s an exact ripoff of Patton/Bungle

I think, and I could be wrong, that DFD straight up copied Sleepytime Gorilla Museum's Hymn To The Morningstar for whichever Exorcist prequel movie they were featured on. Dog Fashion Disco and Stolen Babies could of only got recognition in the myspace era.

They suck and the only tolerable thing they ever made was the South Park theme.

Jerry was a race car driver. Was he?

Wynona’s got herself a big brown beaver. Does she?

On a side note, I think that song is more relevant than ever because of the theme. You can have a beaver your whole life and just decide one day that you got a porcupine.

I used to listen to primus and do acid. Good memories.

Now I'm straight edge due to mental health issues. I hate my life.

Fuck it man do some acid.

What good is life straight of you're tortured every moment?

Get high, enjoy it, and die colorfully.

The more accurately somebody describes Primus the more it sounds like they'd be my favorite band, but then I listen to them and don't really enjoy it.

They don't stand the test of time, all good musicians. Larry Lelonde is a bitch of denying his time in Possessed who is more influential than Primus. I enjoy them.

Well, I remember as it were a meal ago...

weird guys

They were great when I was in high school. I checked out after the Winona's Big Brown Beaver album.

I loved Clutch's first two albums too, the lost me at Elephant Riders. (Psychic Warfare album was solid though)

My favorite band.

My favorite Les Claypool story is when he tried out for Metallica and they were like "dude, you're way too good for this band." Of course, not sure he matched their aesthetic anyway


Regardless of whether or not you like them, it should be noted they have yet to secure a gig at any major plastic bag convention. Also pretty sure Les Claypool never had the pleasure of performing with a looper by digitech.

Their no 2U but they've been known to jam.

One of the greatest live bands!

Mods, ban this cocksucker.

You said I was a homophobe? I AM NOT AFRAID!

also get out of this sub FAGGOT!

why would i ever engage with some faggot online? blocked