Can't get to work on time for his 2 hour a day job, blames the destroyer.

50  2019-03-23 by fish_flower


Feed nana

Yeah, what a scumbag, calling poor, poor Ant out for half-assing his job like that. He should have done what Anthony would have done, namely giggle and act all anxious like a weasely little faggot, like Ant did when Artie Lange walked all over him.

Nice timestamp, stupid

doesn't work on mobile faggot


Worked on mobile for me faggot

Oh fuck that other faggot then

truly a face made for radio

It's actually a face made for a shitty basement based podcast.

It's a face made for an acid bath.

I think you meant to say "from" an acid bath.

Guys don't do that.

Constantly turning up late and hung-over expecting someone else to cover for you? Work-shy fucking guinea.

he really should be working 12 hour days knocking tin, I hope his liver fails him fairly soon

It would be poetic justice if his liver decided to skip work and sleep in the van

“I would party all the time, and I had to be there for 6 am... I was never late-late, but there were times I’d come in at 5 after.”

Isn’t Nana always talking about how lazy and irresponsible minorities are for not being able to, say, get to work on time?

das not guy shit!!

Yeah Ant, because no one in that studio cares about you stumbling in while doing zero prep, and they all made a point to be there on time. Totally unreasonable why resentment might build up.

He still refuses to accept any responsibility for the demise of his career. Opie, libtards, Twitter, blacks...everyone else conspired to "silence" him, it had nothing to do with his arrogant drunken attitude and bloated sense of self-importance. What a fag.

And literally all he had to do was get a fucking beer with the destroyer. Would have smashed all the built up resentment, could've eventually even lead to Opie going more strongly to bat for him at SXM. he's a clown.

You know what else guys don't do? Shove vibrating eggs up their asses.

i was gonna make fun of anthony saying his book was available at barnes and nobles until it occurred to me that this dumbass actually thought his "Fanbase" reads books.

How many copies do you think were sold? If it went over 10k I’d be amazed.

If it went over 1,000 it woukd be a miracle.

He said Borders too... Which has only been closed since 2011

Ability to take personal responsibility: zero

He’s half the show, and none of the listeners would notice if he showed up late. Shouldn’t that have told him something about his value to the show?

This is yet another instance where karma comes back to bite a Cumia in the ass, he gets pissy because Opie doesn’t like him showing up late, then he hires Artie for his own show and Artie shows up like once every two weeks. Fuckin dummy.

He spent more on the billboard for the A&A show than Artie did on Ubers to get there.

Gives those faggots a job then they throw him under the bus

Worked on mobile for me faggot