"I don't like your kind of people. I don't like to see you come out to this clean country... passing yourselves off as decent Americans. The fact is that I despise your masquerade, the dishonest way you pose yourself."

31  2019-03-22 by wwendell


Always with the fucking SAMCRO hoodie over a Superman shirt with the sleeves hacked off. It's like he likes getting made fun of. If enough people told me that I dress like a retarded faggot I'd probably dress differently.

You don't have Joe's commitment to faggotry


Joe may be terrible at everything else, but he's an amazing faggot

He has no identity so he has to cosplay. This was his fake biker phase. Now that that stupid show is over, he’s in his stolen valor phase now.

Id argue the Superman shirt is more stolen valour.

i'm hoping joe is stupid enough to end up in a youtube video being called out. As stupid as those people are, Joe would give them gold. the video would probably end up being 58 mins long based on them seeing him at the jefferson station walmart

Post a pic. We can help.

Well, that's it for me. I'm stumped.

Big Jay is another one. He’s worse than Joe. At least Joe dresses like an adult.

Nana looks like he has a pile of dead grass on his head.

I was thinking more of a shit Brown tinsel but yours is more accurate

Just bad, bad, bad genes everywhere in that family, and they all insist on being in front of cameras.

Nana is so cute

Anthony looks so fucking gruesome.

Try looking at this photo with They Live sunglasses. Talk about reptilian overlords.

I’d be embarrassed to ever own a SAMCRO shirt. Joe’s bloated face is must ripple when he’s belting out those covers.

It's all part of who he is...wannabe MC gang member, wannabe rockstar, wannabe radio personality.

Anthony looks elderly compared to his siblings. Boozing and pill popping have taken their toll.

I don’t want to fuck dawn, I just want to cum on her face.

Fucking wops always dress like they just raided a Marshalls that was going out of business.

It's all part of who he is...wannabe MC gang member, wannabe rockstar, wannabe radio personality.