Are there any O&A related events that would make your 2019?

36  2019-03-12 by GorramTimebomb

Things I would enjoy:

  • As Nana approaches inevitable financial ruin, he desperately begs Opie to do another show. Opie publicly rejects Nana, leaving him utterly humiliated. Nana finally snaps, eats a bottle of Xanax, gets drunk on air, and attempts to rape Dave Blandau.
  • The Chinless Flinstonian gets fired from the WWE and has a blubbering meltdown live on the Jim & Sam Show... He is then fired from Sirius and banned from entering the building.
  • Brother Joe tries his hand at stand-up comedy. It's recorded and posted here. The Plastic Bag Convention joke is part of his set.
  • Jim gets really, really fat again.
  • Rich Vos will be performing at the the Tropicana Hotel & Casino on March 25th.

The 3 faggots found dead stitched together ass to mouth in a human centipede array.

Jim will be found dead with a smile on his face

Jim doesn’t like weird sex stuff. He just lied for attention.

Just a lil taste brothaman

Get a few road sodas in the Opster and he’ll be ready to drop some hammerssssssss

Patric Tomlonson steps on a lego.

Oh hey now guys! That’s too far

That or he's abducted by several black teens and they torture him on Facebook live. They eventually just shoot him in the head because he won't shut the fuck up about protecting minorities and the Mueller investigation

The impending foreclosure on Nana's home and his 2nd heart attack that will follow it.

The impending foreclosure on Nana's home and his 2nd heart attack that will follow it.

Amy Schumer's name destroyed, subsequent imprisonment or death.

I hope she gets the O.J. treatment: Found not guilty of a heinous crime she obviously committed, and then forced to spend her life as a pariah. No more movies, no more Comedy Cellar, no more vacations with Seinfeld, and no thinkpieces lauding her "bravery."

Doomed to live on as an example of rich, white feminist privilege, and forever remembered as a low point in stand up comedy.

Brother Joe releasing RantCast and it becoming wildly popular, him skyrocketing past Anthony in terms of fame and fortune, and then not giving Anthony a dime or allowing him on his platform. A nigga can dream, can't he?

Are you Joe?

Watch it redditard, I KNOW how to backtrace and my FINGERS are on ctrl alt and del AS we SPEAK.

Club Soda Kenny getting arrested for the cold case murders of unarmed black teenagers

  • I'd like to see Anthony go to jail for attempting to solicit a minor.
  • I'd like to see Keith go to jail for embezzling money from Compound Media
  • I want Joe to just keep on being Joe and continuing providing this sub with material

Patton "the poisoner" oswalt brought to justice.

Anything involving anyhony in public financial ruin would be tops for me.

nothings going to happen, similar to 2018.

craterface is making money. if he wasnt, hed have closed down compound media 3 years ago. stop lying to yourselves.

worm and ape are making 6 figures a year doing radio.

opie is yelling into a tin can with 18 viewers.

theres no more material. this sub died in 2018, stop hoping for more.

Unfortunately I think you are right. I think it makes enough money for him to maintain a portion of his old life. I definitely do not think he has the old “fuck you money” Spending it like a drunk millionaire he did when he was with satellite radio.

You seem like a fun person.

Lmao you're funny😂😂😂😂

Getting a girlfriend

Opie and Anthony and Jimmy doing a show with the same attitude and hilarity as 10 years ago. I dont care what we know about them now. I would pretend it never happened

Pat Duffy stomps Sam Roberts to an unrecongnizeable lump of jelly.

Joe loses it and kills Sam, Opie, Anthony, Jim, and finally himself. Nothing of value is lost.

And dead Bob Kelly. Sad, but he's toast.

Opie finds another up and comer and starts yet another gigantic hilarious show which ends up eclipsing the old Opie and what's his name show, forever leaving Nana and Jim dwelling in obscurity.

Sam gets let go and scorch offers him a job

A Pete Davidson OD would be swell