Pete Davidson is the living definition of the phrase "winning at life" - and jealous fags can't stand it

0  2019-03-07 by UltraLordIzReal



Is that why he's constantly threatening to kill himself?

It's how he gets laid. Bitches who live on drama love that shit for a while until they get bored with it.

Great point.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go see my dad.


His dad was a failure in life, so the universe found a way to balance that out.

I'd appreciate another guy coming up if he didn't dress like a faggot and get the worst possible tattoos.

This is like the tenth "u jelly" post today.

Our ironic Opie love has brought the actual idiot Opie fans back.

We have to stop.

Some life, the NYPD had to make a welfare check on a gigantic, rich baby and famous baby.

And yeah I saw the "stop posting celeb gossip about pete davidson you hens" thread yesterday, but this doesn't fall into that category since it's a push back against exactly those jealous fags who know they could never bang Ariana or Beckinsale, and know deep down that there lives will never begin to touch his.

he cant bang those two either.

"Winning at life" isn't some deep philosophical phrase, you dumb fucking faggot. It's something teenage girls tweet when they get their nails done, or go to Starbucks. Only a complete cunt would say something that fucking gay, and in the context of admiring a D list male celebrity. You deserve to die penniless and alone. Rich Vos will be performing at the Keswick Theatre on the 8th and is doing 2 shows at Yonkers on the 9th.

dude, what's wrong with you?

Dude whatever you think of him -- and this is hard to say because I hate that faggot -- he's getting hot pussy and his career will probably only go up from here. Good for him I guess even though I hope he dies very soon.