Pete Davidson kicks out heckler for Mac Miller Joke.

8  2019-02-26 by Mbm40


Pete doesn't tolerate jokes at his shows

Still getting cucked by a dead guy

Why hasn’t he an hero’d by now

He knows he will see his father in hell and be told he's a faggot for all eternity.

Because he doesn't want to die, he just wants attention.

I kinda hope there's a heckler at every show who screams out Mac Miller when he tries his shitty joke. That way he'll learn he's not funny, and just stop trying.


But really, get over yourself. Your friend died from a fentanyl overdose. It's such a common way to die that nobody really cares when it happens.

Now if Mac Miller got killed running onto a highway trying to save some duckings, then I'd understand. But that didn't happen, did it Pete?

Imagine being upset at someone making fun of your ex-girlfriends dead ex-boyfriend

I can’t even comprehend this shit

He still calls her 30 times a day minimum

It was one of the Stangles.

Walking on Peteshells

He didn't kick anyone out. That whispy noodle armed faggot had the clubs unfunny, toxicly male, real men approach the heckler.

What's he going to do? "uh hey bruh this place is all about good vibes"

After the audience fingered the heckler,

sounds a bit invasive

I heard he vowed to keep a butthole eye out for any more trouble makers.

What a loser. This kid’s not a comedian.

I wonder if he would kick out Tim Duncan and David Robinson for being The Twin Towers am I right folks?

Your punching up not down hey you get it folks

'Known for his dark humor'


His suicide note was his best bit

That's a pretty funny joke, no wonder Pete was immediately intimidated by actual humor.

the comedian stopped his routine and vowed not to return until the yeller was identified.

My God what a fucking pussy.

"And give him his money back. I don't want his money".

Hey dipshit, that money wasn't for you, it was for the club and it's staff. Faggot.

Outside of this hiccup, there are reports that the rest of the show went smoothly. It even included that the "heart attack" joke was merely Davidson thinking his passed out friend was dead.

What a comedic genius.

Clearly Mac Miller is deserving of a greater amount of respect.

The most surprising part of this story was that Jewish Pete Davidson allowed the guy to have his money back.

Somebody please Dimebag Darrell his ass.

when is this sub finally going to do some real damage to him? if anybody deserves it, it’s him. there is no bigger unfunny pussy ass crybaby who’s gotten more undeserved reward than him. joe & anthony are small potatoes. pete’s homelessness would be so much more satisfying. let’s see where twat ariana’s “irrevocable love” for him is then. nice thesaurus consultation, fake-deep flat-chested little cunt

what a pussy. it wasn't even like HE had him booted immediately and went on. He refused to perform until the audience ratted on the guy.

The “Mac Miller” heckle was a good punchline. Pete set it up with “my friend died in my apartment recently..”. A good joke links two seemingly incongruent things to create the funny. Here, the Mac miller punch line was topical, contextual and relevant in time and to the person on stage. Does it cross the line? Probably. But that is a subjective assessment. There is no line to cross in comedy. Everything is arguably fair game, as comedians often say. Nothing is too soon or off limits.

Different things trigger different people. What is offensive to one person is funny to another. Comedians know this as their reality. Pete asking the person to leave and making a tantrum is similar to an audience member asking a comedian to get off stage for making a rape joke. Ultimately when shit gets personal, even the most outspoken evangelist of an art form will succumb to playing victim. A comic should be considerate and constantly lean in to voices that express displeasure. A comic does not have to cave in to every PC request - but listen and reassess your POV, ultimately basing it on what you feel comfortable and compelled to joke about. If you feel comfortable and strongly motivated to joke about eg. child sex abuse, then do it. If you don’t, then don’t do it. As simple as that. No comedian wants to be policed. Similarly, hecklers should not be selectively policed based on the comment they make. Either it is a zero heckling policy no matter what they say or you tolerate them and artfully take them down from stage. Being selective based on how hurtful it is to you (here - Pete) is the same as a triggered blogger who is devastated by a comedian’s jokes (eg. Bill Burr) on stage.

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