RIP Brody Stevens

30  2019-02-22 by Magicmetalknight


RIP. He had a hilarious show on Seattle public access TV back in the 90s.

Yeah that's where I first saw him, I used to record the episodes they were such classics.

Tough scene

He pulled a Steve C

That-that's terrible. I'm sorry.

Another friend of Patton Oswalt dies. Suicide? I'd like to see proof.

Patton is tweeting about it. Someone, establish a time line.


Brody was a righty too. The motive has been exposed.

damn. I loved that dude.

Damn, he seemed like a really cool genuine guy. Nobody ever had a bad word to say about him and he was pretty damn funny on the ice house chronicales. RIP brody.

I.C.E. House Cronicales, ese.

That's sad.. I always liked him.

I wonder how many Twitter eulogies we're going to get from comedians who hadn't spoken to him in years.

When someone you love dies, you don’t run to social media? When my grandmother died, one of my in-laws immediately ran to Facebook looking for pity for himself. That’s how I found out she was dead. Whenever I see him, I want to savagely bludgeon him into a coma.

You talk the talk but do you walk the walk?

No, Kuhn, some of us have murderous thoughts without killing family.

Fucking depression. He was so funny.

Why couldn't it have been Jim Norton?!

The episode of Joe Rogan where they try to calculate what percentage gay Brody is may be the only time that podcast was legitimately funny.

Compound Media just tweeted out their condolences.


uncomfortable finger tapping on desk

Bummer. I always liked that oddball. Enjoy it!

You must listen to him shitting all over hinchcliff in his first podcast ever with Redban and Tony. It was gone for years because Brody was full on manic and went and got arrested hours after recording it and then getting committed to the nut house and famously bailed by Zach gal.

Then couple months ago he and Tony almost got into a slapfight on brodys insta, so yeah....Patton killed him.

Another one suicided by the satanic cabal. Rest in Power.

I hope his mom and her dog are okay


Said he hung himself with a belt and a door. Yeah, sure. We know what that means.