2  2019-02-11 by comeflywme


Joe Rogan's taller brother

Wait... why does he look so tall?

Oh, it's just the elevator boots.

This guy has/had a Amazonian giant-titted black girlfriend.

I don't believe you. Post those beefers, or I'm calling shenanigans.

Like a bridge between downs syndrome and AIDS or Christianity and rock n' roll. Thanks for the bridge, asshole. We're all real happy about the results. Deathsquad. Lmfao. Fucking unbelievable. Unbelievable that 10 years later, people still listen to this fag. "Uh, he's not a great interviewer, or comedian, or, uh, never fought really, but he knows about it lol, never smoked pot til he was 800 years old and already cemented as lame, uh, he's not gay at all, very straight, uh, I am too gay to interact with my father so it's the JRE for this Jamie Kilstein lookin' bitch boy" - literally every fan of whatever I dislike.

Can you point at where Joe touched you, and how old you were?

Nice bit you fucking retard, how was Joe in the bathhouse?

Now that I know the downvoting is getting to you, I'm gonna get all the alt accounts in on it too ;) it's hilarious watching you overreact to all of this btw. Like the true fucking faggot you always were behind the tough talk.


Great comeback.

Your anime villain personality intimidated me too much, I've honestly been frozen with fear this whole time as embarrassing as it is to admit.

Can I get a signed autograph?

Once I recover, sure

This dumbfuck deleted everything already. What’d he say?

He would "burn" me and delete the comment, then wrote this manifesto about how he's going to delete every response after he writes it cause it really "gets to me", and he's going to get "every alt account involved" in downvoting me. Then he deleted his account. Idk, I just hope I in some small way contributed to a retards real life suicide.

That is so pathetic that it wouldn’t surprise me at all if it was Anthony

In his manifesto he was like "ITS SO HILARIOUS SEEING YOU OVERREACT TO THIS LOL ;)", you might actually be right

The only thing Joe can bridge is a crack in the sidewalk.

Assuming it's not too wide.

More like the train car between the faaaags

Joe Rogan is a mush brain that gets treated like an intellectual by impressionable dupes.

It's just crazy how mother nature can make these highly refined killing machines, and then make them look so human. I guarantee if you try to fuck with this thing, it would rip you in half. LIKE LITERALLY RIP YOU RIGHT IN HALF. Hey Jamie, look up "vibrating anal egg."

He's the troll under the bridge

What’s up freak bitches


Muh liffts. Why would you even bother with platform tactical shoes at this point?

Didn't Grow Rogan.

That little freak is actually wearing boots to boost his height. It must be life changing going from 4'1'' to 4'4''. Also this guy is in a relationship with a gigantic black trannie. There's a daily mail article about it.

I bet he has a soft throat like Rogan too. The Boston Boys know.

Looks like Doug Stanhope‘s face though

The midget looks like Doug Stanhope.