Reminder: Gavin used to go on shows talking about how cool drunk driving is, then called into his own show talking about how he was up all night crying on the bathroom floor because his wife just threatened to leave him after he almost killed her in a drunk driving accident.

1  2019-02-09 by ReasonableSafe



Gavin could be entertaining sometimes but anybody who actually looked to him for insight or knowledge is a complete inexcusable faggot retard

I hate how damn catchy it is.

After a sloppy cum sesh

That burn victims stiff necked head wiggle dance moves are infuriating

Nailed it. I simultaneously like him and hate him. I simultaneously think he’s funny and sucks

Gavin always gave off an effeminate vibe, not sure why anyone looked to him as a stalwart of manhood.

He's the neighbor in American Beauty that doth protest a little too much. The women in his life are just more beards. If he could hide behind a wall of beards, he would.

Gavin always gave off an effeminate vibe, not sure why anyone looked to him as a stalwart of manhood.

(Bet he sings "Beards, beards, beards" to the tune of Motley Crue's "Girls, Girls, Girls".)

Standard fare for a scotsman

hurr durr look at me I’m such a hipster, listen to these outrageous things! Drunk driving is cool, nobody says that!

He stinks. The only things he can hold a firm position on is how racism isn’t cool because he fucked an American Indian and created some 56% goblins

Everything else he just purposely goes against popular view, which isn’t entertaining when you’re so transparent

Using "Hurr durr" makes you automatically twice as fag as he is.

drunk driving into a tree can be a spiritual experience, for a fraction of a second your atoms are at one with the tree's atoms, you get 100years of oaky knowledge before falling onto the cool soothing grass. Hippies would hug trees for the same reason, I just modern it up.

your atoms are at one with the tree’s atoms

Nice physics, stupid.

He'd be correct at high enough velocities.

Actually no, at high enough velocities it just breaks them both apart even more making them not even at one with themselves. See also: Hadron Collider

Hadron Collider is only using sub atomic particles, no?

So what speed would be required for the human atoms to combine with the tree atoms? See how stupid that sounds?

Well, provided you had enough energy (faster than a car could travel on earth) the bonds holding together all the sugars, water, fats etc in the human would break apart.

Hmm. What kind of vehicle were we talking about? Nice physics, stupid.

At high enough velocities. Nice reading comprehension, stupid.

Let’s follow the logic chain here, you fucking waterhead mongoloid. Dude says drunk driving into a tree your atoms become one with the tree. I said “nice physics, stupid.” That’s where it should have ended. It doesn’t matter what could happen if you invented hyper speed and crashed into a tree in space. It’s all relative to the OP, dipshit.

Listen, Joe Cumia level IQ, read what I wrote again and try to comprehend it. I covered everything you're bitching about.

You said he’d be correct at high enough velocities. We are talking about a car. On earth. How do you get a car that fast on earth? You’re talking about orders of magnitude faster than a car could reach passing through air. How is that relevant?

It's just theoretical, brothaman. Never said it was anything more.

Let's clear this up a bit: He was WHISEKY-drunk AND on a Xanax type of medication, driving her (and a friend) home. She was in the fucking passenger side of the car, and the both of them knew the state Gavin was in. He was in that "If-I'm-a-man-and-I-don't-do-drive-while-inebriated-I'm-a-fag" mode, and drove them both, into the shoulder of the highway, in an SUV. The SUV itself flipped (or almost flipped) over, with the mother of his children in the passenger side of the car. He woke up and did his CM show the next day, without chastising or blaming himself. He basically semi-doubled down on the same "Real men can handle driving him drunk or in X state" he was thinking of when he first got in the car, while acknowledging that doing so makes you pay a price with women, because they're women. So he's not only a naive faggot, but he's also a dumb-dumb.

However, you could tell he was probably crying beforehand (or just hungover).

What were you doing that night? Probably gaming like a pudd

He was on adderall and possibly cocaine + alcohol.



Not the alcohol and adderall, he talked about it after the crash.

He “allegedly” talked about it.

Jesus you're like a fucking teenage girl

your sisters ass

What did Gavin do after that episode of the show was over???

Your sisters ass

Now was he wearing his stupid "NASA engineer from 1969" costume when all this occurred?

That was the second car he totaled while drunk in the span of his podcast too.

Holy shit, that's true :O

his whole compound media stint really set his life in another direction

All roads lead to obscurity

Thought his kids were in the car also ?

I believe he also fucked his own ass om camera

His wife looks like a redskin version of Bruce Campbell, he spends 45 minutes every morning styling his hair and moustache and he pounded his waxed asshole on camera for an audience of half-men. Gavin is a faggot.

That doesn't make him a bad person.

Is this before he discovered the rejuvenating magic of middle-aged fist fighting?

You mean "fisting"? Cause i don't watch manlet stuff while venerating the entrepreneur so i don't know if he's stepped it up past putting a dildo in his own ads for his "proud boys".

It doesn't seem to matter if someone posts a positive or negative thing about Gavin, you're always going to get "he fucked his own ass on air with a dildo" and the conversation is immediately over.

jewish tactics. meanwhile woody allen and dan Schneider are still in public

Didn't Schneider finally get kicked out of Nickelodeon, albeit with a golden parachute?

yup. no serious consequences. vic berger (literal jew) is the guy who creates edits and spams his ass fucking dildo stuff on twitter. it's about destroying a political enemy not mocking him for its own sake.

He recorded his friend getting dildoed by a hooker I thought? Or did he do it to himself too?

You’re thinking of Patrice’s friend Gavin. He’s a big black English fellow

When this happened; someone on here made a post titled: "Looks like Gavin venerated his car last night.", with a screen cap of him on his CM show, freshly hungover and red eyed from crying all night, with a picture of the totaled vehicle underneath.

That post made me laugh for a month straight, every time I thought about it.

Reminder: most of you idiots buy into this soap opera melodrama shit (to the point of making message board posts about it), which means you are complete fucking rubes despite thinking you "get it."

Additional reminder: This "Reminder" format is one of the many incredibly lame things about this stupid fucking sub.

Whats your point, fella?

That 99% of the people who post here are idiots. Was that not clear?

i've seen your type many times, you don't last long. your account is only a month old which is typical, you delete them after a while because barely anyone pays attention to you and the people you seek attention from are the very ones who know not to give it to you. you are so bored and so boring and so lonely.

Do you actually think it's cool to get genuinely defensive about your online "community"? I can honestly think of nothing more gay. "I've seen your type many times." Are you fucking kidding?

I guarantee you actually felt a surge of adrenaline while composing this pointless comment.

predictable insta-reply, if u want me to reply some more send me some btc to 1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2

Are you actually proud to be a genuine Redditor who uses reddit lingo to make horrible jokes? This is something that gives you confidence? "Insta-reply"? Jesus Christ man, how old are you?

You’re on reddit stop acting like you’re above it you dildo

That should literally be the tagline to this entire sub, you oblivious fucking dummy.

Literally nobody, besides yourself, takes this place a seriously as you want to believe. Fuck off, loser.

badass comment. funny that you felt the need to make it, what with your ironic distance and you're not taking things seriously like a cool guy.

oh man sick reddit argument tactic. this place is so different from the rest of reddit. you guys are in a different class altogether.

This bitchiness is exactly how women and gays argue. You should be ashamed of yourself, son.

This bitchiness is exactly how women and gays argue. You should be ashamed of yourself, son.

you just posted a YouTube video of a baby crying. as an argument tactic. your lack of self-awareness is remarkable, even for this sub.

you just posted a YouTube video of a baby crying. as an argument tactic

Pfffttt hahaha. I posted it to make fun of you for being a whiney bitch. Argument tactic? Please.

So, posting a YouTube clip of a baby crying is not something that "women and gays" would do? Who does that - really, really cool and hypermasculine men?

Go fuck yourself you idiot.

Are you going to do this all day? Get a job faggot.

A) It's Saturday, and I happen not to work on Saturday.

B) Even if I was at work, I can do whatever the fuck I want. Suck my dick.

C) Ok, this one is really important, and you're an idiot so I'll try to be really clear: the fact that you keep responding to me means that you are "doing this" also. Can you honestly be so dense that you can't grasp that? It makes no sense whatsoever to ask me if I'm "going to do this all day" when you are, at that very moment, doing the exact same fucking thing. You hopeless idiot.

Holy shit you're still going. Buddy, it's not that serious. And no offense but there is no way I'm reading that faggot wall of text.

There is no doubt in my mind that you already read the comment in its entirety before replying, you fucking douche. "I'm not reading that" is the gayest reddit shit ever.

Read item C again, I don't think it quite landed yet. Oh and also check out the edit, that's important too. Take 'er easy brother!

"And he just plows through it". Shut the fuck up, dork.

What? Is that supposed to mean something? Are you replying to the wrong person here?


I'd rather walk around with cumsicles hanging from my chin than call myself a "proud boy". That Gavin fag needs to be beaten with a tire iron until he names five kinds of toaster pastries.

He had a kinda funny schtick, not a life philosophy. Nice overcompensating, stupid.

To be fair, at least he talked about it, our radio heroes would lie, twist the story or ignore it

Well, provided you had enough energy (faster than a car could travel on earth) the bonds holding together all the sugars, water, fats etc in the human would break apart.

You said he’d be correct at high enough velocities. We are talking about a car. On earth. How do you get a car that fast on earth? You’re talking about orders of magnitude faster than a car could reach passing through air. How is that relevant?

All roads lead to obscurity

There is no doubt in my mind that you already read the comment in its entirety before replying, you fucking douche. "I'm not reading that" is the gayest reddit shit ever.

Read item C again, I don't think it quite landed yet. Oh and also check out the edit, that's important too. Take 'er easy brother!