It’s always some sort of sexist agenda with this unfunny bitch. It’s not a conspiracy. Be more funny and your shit will sell.

1  2019-02-08 by OpieEatsBoogers


Well then you’re lucky. You’ve got a neglected potential customer base. You and your friends should write and tell killer jokes and make millions of dollars entertaining those neglected customers. Why aren’t you? Not smart enough to write the jokes? Not smart enough to market yourself to that audience? So you just quit and whine and blame the patriarchy?

Who got a Twitter? Screencap this comment and send it to her.

I forgot about this bitch.

What happened to 'SJW of the week'? I enjoyed that bit, & it kept the sub's focus sharp when nothing's happening.

That was a quality bit.

We just call arbitrary people faggot now.

Stupid cunt too bad that men are just funnier butch

FYI: John Mulaney is a faggot, whose faggotry is only surpassed by his faggot fans.

Wow I’m surprised this has so many upvotes, there’s a lot of faggots in here who like him

They must all be busy sucking cock at the moment.

How can no one wanna buy her album with amazing comedy material on it like this?

I love how she acts like its other people doing that shit. That's YOUR people stupid. God women stink, at comedy too.

Women just don't get comedy on such a profoundly fundamental level it's almost staggering. I sit through these horribly unfunny frumps at least 5 nights a week, and 99% of them don't even know what a punchline is, or how to write anything close to one.

I just don't understand what drives them to be "comedians," outside of being there simply to promote their own personal political agenda, which is an increasingly large percentage these days. You don't see black people trying to play hockey and demanding to be included when they don't have any natural inclination towards it; they just do something else.

Maybe if women were funny people would buy their shit

It's weird that she didn't give a fuck about the gender makeup of the iTunes Charts until she had something to sell.

Looking at the screenshot it seems there's a lack of Asians and PoCs, but I guess she's fine with that.

Yeah, I also noticed how few ska bands are in the top ten. It must be a conspiracy.

Mark my words, Reel Big Fish is going to make a comeback.

Ska is coming back? Let's go dude.

Dude. It is back, brotherman!

Horrible self promotion disguised as her trying to help women in the industry. Buy my shit comedy special, theres a screenshot of what it my album looks like, lets get a woman to no. 1 mainly me, blah blah blah

The market is clearly showing women aren’t funny, how is that bad?


Since when did women have to be funny? Asking for my friend Patrice.

It's very difficult for the majority of women to let themselves go far enough to see the relative nature of things - it clashes with nearly every aspect of their early upbringing. And you need that to appreciate the absurdity in life, incl. yourself. Without that, there's no comedy. I live in a female bubble of ~130 incl. staff, and there's not a single naturally funny one in the lot. The only funny woman I know of so far posts here.

That was a quality bit.

We just call arbitrary people faggot now.